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moders ignore oblvion do daggerfall


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Just to say it's nice the modders have put thier time into trying make oblivion better, though it is still a flawed game.

I have used various mods but the childish design of morrowind and the way it play's, i have deleted it.

Now as having bought all four arena games daggerfall is still the best as it had gameplay and was a pity the people stopped writing patches and new quests for it.

Morrowind i was surprised at when playing it as so much had changed from daggerfall, played game so far then other stuff croped up.

When came back to game 6 months later had restart because id forgoten where id been in game but is a nicely designed game.

What i would love to see is moders who have dagerfall could redo the game as leave the graphics as they are, finish off any bugs thier was left.

Add hundreds new quest's and thier is so much more with the game so if you get a chance to get hold off dagerfall play it as it has the 1 important thing !!!GAMEPLAY!!!! something oblivion is missing, oblivion was made more for graphics, and you will notice crashes and lot's hard drive access as it is accessing heavy graphic's.

1 importsnt thing please modder's if you are doing a quest mod and town that has upto 12 quest's, please dont say how many quest's thier are as most players would like to find out themselves.

Thier is 1 chap i believe or group who are slowly wrewriting the game world as a big mod and if this work's then will reinstal oblivion just to play a mod that make's the game work.

So hat's off to the modders trying make game better keep up the good work as i have reinstalled arena, daggerfall, and morrowind.

Wont add any mod stuff to morrowind as dont want see any spoilers that will ruin the game though in oblivion seen what max lvl you reach, beacuse some said while talking about a bug in a mod.

Ruined game a bit noing how far you can go in game, but the most important thing is back to the best off the series, daggerfall.

1 thing it had was levitate spell and climb walls, so like a ropleplaying game ad+d and other dice games you could use fantastic tactics in game, it was brill being able climb a building to roof then levitate and use bow to shoot an enemy that couldent touch you.

Unless they hit you wiith magic and it buggerd you up so muchthat you had to levitate to ground to engage em in hand to hand combat but if you get the game you will find you will do stuff that you will enjoy.

Oblivion now i tried get atop a rock so creatures could not reach me but dont work this game unless you get a mod done that allows you to fly.

But if the redone mod arrives then ill reput game back on.

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Daggerfall is too old. Only the real fans ( you and some others) still play it (I played it a few weeks ago, but it's very random so I don't play it much) and I don't think they will mod it. Not enough people who will be interested I think.


I like Morrowind more than Daggerfall because of the graphics, and stuff like being able to go third person, and the gameplay. The mods are amazing too. Daggerfall is better in some gameplay ways, but not enough for me to like it more than Morrowind. And it's a bit (lol) buggy.


I like morrowind more than Oblivion too. But it doesn't mean I don't like Oblivion. I like all TES games.

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wtf? First of all, how about a little spacing, grammar, english. Reading that hurts my eyes.




What is your problem with oblivion anyway. You claim it doesn't have gameplay? What are you smoking?




You fail to mention why daggerfall is better than oblivion anyway, aside from levitation. And there is already a levitation mod for Oblivion.




Just to play a mod that makes the game work? Oblivion works just fine, and you are missing out on a huge and wonderful game.





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I agree with war kirby, Oblivion is fantastic I kind of got bored after the main quest but I downloaded a mod that has stalkers trying to kill you. I walk around Cyrodill just to see where they show up next, I still need to complete most of the town quests, the theives guild quest, the fighters guild quest, and I am going to download more quests and guild mods.
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I enjoyed playing through Oblivion the first time, but I don't forsee myself going back through it, save for making a demigod character. In short, Oblivion has no replay value when compared to Daggerfall. All of the dungeons in Daggerfall are randomly generated thereby adding a degree of difficulty when replaying. Aside from the replay value, Daggerfall also offers a ton of factions that the player can join. Combine this with the fact that you were required to do several quests at each faction level to progress, and the game becomes a bit more difficult. Although the alchemy system was insane, it was fairly extensive in its ingredient list. Lastly, Daggerfall came off as a much darker world, whereas Oblivion seems almost childish in comparison.


Don't even get me started on the enormous amount of skills and scope of Daggerfall either.

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Don't even get me started on the enormous amount of skills and scope of Daggerfall either.


Ah... All those skills.... I also loved the whole advantage/disadvantage thing. Only regenerating magicka in sunlight and being afraid of zombies for example really adds to the roleplaying! So many combinations...

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I don't think the point of this thread is whether Oblivion is a good game or not, but whether someone should mod Daggerfall instead Oblivion.


In which case, the topic is somewhat questionable. How would the topic 'Don't mod Oblivon! Mod Half-life!' be met? It doesn't really belong here any more than wherever it was originally posted, as this forum branch is for modding Oblivion.


However, instead of modding Daggerfall, why don't you try modding Oblivion or Morrowinf to be more like Daggerfall? Many of the tools are already available and while Oblivion is not targetted at TES & RPG fans as much as FPS fans, it still has an immense amount of potential. It was just a poorly managed and organized project.


On the quality of Oblivion, what makes a good game is somewhat a matter of personal opinion. Long-time TES fans and traditional RPG gamers are more likely to be disappointed with Oblivion than newcomers and FPS fans because Oblivion plays more like an FPS and has less depth of world and plot than an RPG would be expected to. It's less replayable as dungeons are fairly static and there is a limited variation of maps. The world is far smaller than any previous TES game and there are very few dungeons with puzzles of any significance. The more Roleplay elements of the game are often bugged and the feeling of immersion is very limited. Also, the traditional 'dark' feeling of the TES series is almost vacant, replaced with a much lighter mood.


Also, while TES games have always been buggy as a matter of course, (one would expect this to be a learning experience, but it seems to be a hopeless cause) earlier games have had more time for patches and fixes, meaning that when someone plays an modded and patched Daggerfall or Morrowind, they have a much smoother polished experience. Oblivion has a long way to go before it reaches that point. Additionally, many of the bugs in Oblivion are much more blatant, and more common. While only a small percentage of players may have hit a given bug in Daggerfall (but every player found many), numerous bugs in Oblivion are encounter by every single player, giving individuals the impression Bethesda just didn't give a <insert expletive of choice here> in bugtesting before release. It would have taken only the most rudimentary testing to catch many of the bugs that were encountered in the release and even current versions of Oblivion. This and the very minimalist impression given by many quests, dungeons, and the current advancement system has left many with the conclusion the Bethesda has adopted a 'give them the toolset and a playable game and they'll do the rest' approach to the TES series.


Am I wrong?

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Oblivion has far less of a CTD problem than MW does, even patched MW. I have, I would estimate, had less than 10 crashes in oblivion, although since I did leave it alone for a while, this isn't an entirely accurate metric.


P.S. What's a 'moder'?


True, but the primary cause in MW was from the copy-protection scheme. In neither MW nor Oblvion, is that actually something Bethesda developed. Kind of like Gamebryo/Netimmerse, Havok, FaceGen... Hmm... Also, IIRC the MW issue was mostly fixed via a patch. I certainly have less trouble with it than Oblivion now.

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