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Publishing Classified Information


Is it wrong?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Is publishing classified information immoral?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I believe all classified materials should be made public.
    • I don't care.
    • Grape cola tastes kinda funny...
  2. 2. Should someone who publishes classified information be prosecuted?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Maybe.
    • I don't care...

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"Prof Tom Flanagan said Barack Obama should “put out a contract and maybe use a drone or something” to rid the world of Mr Assange. "


This is incredible: a former senior advisor to the government of a respected western democracy (Canada) is suggesting that agents of another western democracy should facilitate the murder of a citizen of a third. :blink:

Not like it hasn't happened before... But still, this is no longer a cold war world. We shouldn't want to "take someone out" just because we don't like what he does... And if he DOES disappear, it's not like no one is going to know who did it...

Edited by JohannesGunn
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"Prof Tom Flanagan said Barack Obama should “put out a contract and maybe use a drone or something” to rid the world of Mr Assange. "


This is incredible: a former senior advisor to the government of a respected western democracy (Canada) is suggesting that agents of another western democracy should facilitate the murder of a citizen of a third. :blink:

Not like it hasn't happened before... But still, this is no longer a cold war world. We shouldn't want to "take someone out" just because we don't like what he does... And if he DOES disappear, it's not like no one is going to know who did it...


Someone should of told Saddam Hussein that ,though I suppose its a little different ,the US didn't bother taking him out specifically ,they just took out the whole country.

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Indifference... I don't even think that it is something that we would want to know, gossip between diplomats. If it is something serious like serious plans for invasions or something really serious, then we have to know but since it's nothing more than a little embarrassment to the US and other nations, then I don't really care. It could be good in site on how diplomats work but beyond that nothing really shocking.
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I think people are more upset about their illusions being shattered of how diplomacy works than they are about any potential damage that could be caused by that knowledge being out there. The fact of the matter is this: reading through the list of leaks there is scarcely any which do not illicit the response "yeah, I could see that being true". We don't question the source nor the validity of the content because the content fits with what we kinda already knew.


This incident really only just shined a brief glimmer of light on the web of lies, cohesion, and back-room deals that keep this world together. Sure, you can point fingers at the US, but really, every country does this sort of thing.

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Whether its immoral or not, depends on the situation, now if you leak information exposing agents while in operation, and as a result, you blow their cover and they end up getting killed, then I would have to say it is. Or any information that puts someones life at risk.


But when it comes to our government straight up lying about casualties in a war, and then the real numbers get exposed, I don't see anything wrong with that because they should have been truthful with that information to begin with.


And our enemies keep many of their dealings secret so why shouldn't we?


And BTW, I have never been able to get past the first page of Wikileaks, to get into any of the information, my ISP isn't blocking it, I believe they are consistently being attacked, and you got a very small window to get in and look at information, if you are persistent enough to want to see it.

Edited by Chaosblade02
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Also just to add, Bill O'reily, Glen Beck, and Mike Huckabee all think that the person who leaked the Iraq documents (that put no lives at risk) should be PUT TO DEATH...


Does anyone else care that our media and our world has gone off a cliff?



No cliff at all. Don't you guys know your own national history?

The classified Pentagon Papers on the Vietnam War ( -1968) were successfully published by the New York Times in 1971, four years before the end of war, a military loss that has turned into a unbloody civil victory (for us) some 35 years later. A generation of US in the prime of their life had to die in the defoliated jungles of Vietnam... for a fraudulent nothing, a paranoid chimera, that's a frakkin' fact.

Publishing the PPs was a glorious victory for free journalism. The lame ducks had to suffer a juridical rebuff at all fronts - their secret kept bulls*** was to be read in the daily news. That's one of the extraordinary role models of a great nation that will survive the USA as such for ages, believe me. Give it up, switch off the light of truth... and there you go, to nowhere in the dark. That's the easy path, remember? Gosh, fight for your achieved civil rights or soon you'll have none left to fight for anymore.

Edited by Surenas
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Also just to add, Bill O'reily, Glen Beck, and Mike Huckabee all think that the person who leaked the Iraq documents (that put no lives at risk) should be PUT TO DEATH...


Does anyone else care that our media and our world has gone off a cliff?



No cliff at all. Don't you guys know your own national history?

The classified Pentagon Papers on the Vietnam War ( -1968) were successfully published by the New York Times in 1971, four years before the end of war, a military loss that has turned into a unbloody civil victory (for us) some 35 years later. A generation of US in the prime of their life had to die in the defoliated jungles of Vietnam... for a fraudulent nothing, a paranoid chimera, that's a frakkin' fact.

Publishing the PPs was a glorious victory for free journalism. The lame ducks had to suffer a juridical rebuff at all fronts - their secret kept bulls*** was to be read in the daily news. That's one of the extraordinary role models of a great nation that will survive the USA as such for ages, believe me. Give it up, switch off the light of truth... and there you go, to nowhere in the dark. That's the easy path, remember? Gosh, fight for your achieved civil rights or soon you'll have none left to fight for anymore.


I think thats a matter of perspective,I served didn't die and it was not for nothing. I object to your characterization of the value of something you had no participation in. Your facts are subjective to your political perspective of which it's bias clearly shines through.


Disclosure of military secrets in time of war is reprehensible at best and treason at worst. SPC Bradley Manning is currently residing in Kansas where I hope he likes the climate because he is going to be there for a very long time. I personally think that his actions are treasonable.

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I think thats a matter of perspective,I served didn't die and it was not for nothing. I object to your characterization of the value of something you had no participation in. Your facts are subjective to your political perspective of which it's bias clearly shines through.



Humbug, for otherwise I'd probably be the only one here regarding the Afghanistan War I have participated in, a war you have merely seen through the fast food filter of census on the TV screen - the lying German Wochenschau of WW-II crosses my mind. Nevertheless I don't feel myself as somehow lifted up when the Taliban come into play. So what's up with you, honey?

My facts related to the Vietnam War I share with the intelligent US, the media, the scholars on this earth (perhaps with exception of "Why-the-West-has-won" Hanson who has lost his Greek marbles for we haven't yet won a war since the Falkland War) as well as all the individuals interested or involved and capable of reading. If you have, different from your own generation, learned absolutely nothing in Nam and nothing from Watergate that would lead to common scepticism, and your stubborn tenor supports the impression of classical ostrich policy, I'm sorry for you.

But do us all the favor and don't support the decreed falsehood of merciless failures that lead young men to their slaughter. Is that understood and accepted?

As a foreigner I'm proud of US journalists that have the backbone to reveal the lie within the legal possibilities and given military restrictions, something that other journalists elsewhere have not yet developed and probably never will, a filled tin cup does nicely, huh. If you hate them you don't have a political or military problem to defend, but a spiritual one.

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Also just to add, Bill O'reily, Glen Beck, and Mike Huckabee all think that the person who leaked the Iraq documents (that put no lives at risk) should be PUT TO DEATH...


Does anyone else care that our media and our world has gone off a cliff?

Isn't it illegal to proclamate someones death? Incite for a murder?

Should be suable, I think.

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