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Should I download the Unofficial Patch?


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USKP include lots of vanilla game fixes and some mods require that to funcion properly. It's good to have it. Spare yourself a headache later on trying to go around bugs that break your quests or reduce stability and get it.


The only downside would be that you have to resign from some old obscure mods that were not updated or patched for USKP.

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Yes absolutely download it. No reason to be skeptical.

There's always reason to be skeptical. Irrational aversion and denialism, however...



But of any of the mods to DL, I'd say SKSE, SkyUI and the Unofficial Patches are the safest (excluding that SkyUI fiasco some time ago).

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The original skyrim was rushed, so they half assed a lot of stuff (such as quests not completing, graphic glitches, and much much more), unofficial skyrim patch fixes a most of these problems. There is a few bugs that got missed but this mod is updated fairly often. If you use any of the DLC's I'd recommend getting the unofficial patches for those as well. As stated above, the only downside for using the unofficial patches is some mods are will not work with them, but that's a vary few number of them, yet most mods are compatible with at least unofficial skyrim patch (uskp). Most others that are not, will ether have a compatibility patch in the fomod installer or a separate patch (Bijin Warmaidens is a example of a mod that has a separate patch for main mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57765/?), for ones where it's in the installer I can not remember which ones have it, don't feel like redownloading a bunch of mods to find out lol

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what fiasco`?

Someone hacked in and uploaded a virus instead of SkyUI. They implemented tighter security and the virus checker b/c of it.


It wasn't SkyUI's fault at all - some hacker gained access to a moderator account, IIRC.


Edit: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/news/12350/?comment=1


Wasn't just SkyUI actually.

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