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Weather problem


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HI everyone!

Im having some trouble with the weather in game that can be sunny at a time, and suddenly becomes rainy...

I dont have any weather mod installed because it was even worth then than every time.

So is it part of the game? a bad time scale form the begining?

Or is there a problems with my installation and others mods?

The only mods that could make trouble could be real light and a mod to make nights darker.


By the way id like to finally install enhanced weather without any problems like that...


Thanks for the help

Edited by Cysia
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It's the game....Oblivion is famous for sunny weather one minute, then enter a city and hit a thunderstorm :confused:

Weather mods enhance the weather patterns, but dont cure this problem.

Two mods I use which are good are :

Natural Environments


And this spell if i dont like the weather :



I hope these help you, but dont expect the problem to disappear.

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As Lfact stated, make sure you get the "fixed" version of Natural Weather or you'll only have more weather bugs. Although the "fix" is hit or miss, works for some and not others. This mod, Natural Weather, is notoriously buggy. I say it's best to avoid it entirely. Especially since there are much better alternatives out there, such as Weather - All Natural, or Enhanced Weather.


I personally recommend All Natural as it's the most developed and advanced Weather mod to date, and the most customizable. Although it does require a slightly more complex installation requiring the use of Wrye Bash and a Bashed Patch to function correctly. I would only considerate it a Moderate level install though, it's far from complicated. If you choose not to go with All Natural then Enhanced Weather is the next best choice.

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I had that problem too for a while - and even worse. Every time I brought up the console, the menu or the inventory, the weather would change. It got so far that whenever the weather annoyed me (like a thunderstorm for an entire game week, GEESH!), I would open the intenvory and BAM, sunshine. For some reason installing natural weather fixed that, phew.
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