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Launch crash after ningheim race install


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hei all

i'm very new to modding Skyrim and all

but i've managed to install and play some mods already

ive managed to install and play lunari race without problems

but when i installed Ningheim (and all the required mods)

my game starts crashing right after the bethesda logo when the main menu is supposed to appear.


when i disable the Ningheim race, skyrim runs fine etc and no problems. i tried uninstalling it (the way it was described by uploader) and installing again without luck.


does anyone know how to solve this?.


thank you :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Crashing right after the Bethesda logo means you're missing a master file for one of your mods, probably the Ningheim race. Even if you downloaded them all correctly, they could be loading in the wrong order. Have you used LOOT to sort your load order?

master file? i checked which mod it is and its the ningheim one btw.

didnt have loot before. getting it now. what order is recommend to fix this issue?

Edited by Aniazi
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When modA relies on modB in order to function modB is the master file. ModB will usually have a name like ModB.esm while ModA will be ModB.esp. If ModB hasn't been loaded by the time ModA gets loaded then Skyrim will crash because the information it's expecting isn't there.


For now, just install and run LOOT. It usually does a good job of sorting everything on its own. If you want a more detailed explanation you can watch this video:

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Ok i'm indeed missing the master called The Ningheim.esp, where can i get it at? i know its missing because i did everything else and then mod organizer showed a triangle saying im missing the master called The Ningheim.esp.

Nevermind i fixed it, the issue was that the nmm download was for the followers side pack, NOT the main/master. but now i have other issues. photos of my errors:

(they're links because the images are huge.)

Edited by Aniazi
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thank you that worked, now 1 last question(that is if i don't break something else...).

ok so when i'm done customizing my character my changes all disappear. by this i mean that when i finish making my character and i click done and then set my name the changes last a few second and then the face reverts to some ugly vanilla looking one that looks like someone took a bad plastic surgeon to its face and made it look like a oompa loompa on crack.

what exactly is causing the face changes to disappear or rather not appear?

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  • 1 year later...

thank you that worked, now 1 last question(that is if i don't break something else...).

ok so when i'm done customizing my character my changes all disappear. by this i mean that when i finish making my character and i click done and then set my name the changes last a few second and then the face reverts to some ugly vanilla looking one that looks like someone took a bad plastic surgeon to its face and made it look like a oompa loompa on crack.

what exactly is causing the face changes to disappear or rather not appear?

Make a save restart the game after using racemenu, it won't show your changes, but save anyway restart game appearance should be changed

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