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Console key (`) does nothing?

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So, my brother and I were chatting about out most irritating Oblivion moments, and he said something that kinda freaked me out. We were talking about how annoyingly difficult KotN can be at times, in terms of enemy difficulty. He said that he kept dying and was going crazy because it was keeping him from completing a quest. I joked about how "the tgm command does wonderful things for those situations", and he told me that the console will not pull up on his computer. The [~] key on his keyboard works fine - just doesn't seem to do anything in-game. Does anyone know what could be causing this? He's not one for console commands anyways, but in the even that he has a bug that the console could fix, I'd like for him to be able to fix it. I'm posting on his behalf because we don't live together and he doesn't have internet.


If it helps any, his computer has a "partitioned drive", whatever that means...he gave me kind of a rough explanation but I don't get it.

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Open his oblivion.ini file (the one in My Documents/Games, NOT the oblivion_default.ini file in Oblivion's program folder) in Notepad and look for this line:


bAllowConsole= (0 or 1)


If it's set to 0, you found the problem. Change it to 1 and save the file.


If it's already set to 1, read this:




Apparently it's a known issue on some motherboards that have an infrared port. Disabling this port in the system's bios setup fixes it.

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I'll have to find a way to get this info to him. His phone's a prepaid that he keeps on "text only" status to preserve minutes...and that's a bit much for texting. I'll figure it out though. Thanks! This should really brighten up his day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yup its usually an infra red issue, use a wired keyboard and mouse and disable the infra red stuff in system/hardware. you have to do it every time you reboot. I keep my pc in sleep mode when not using it although maybe not practical for everybody.

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