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Strange Mesh Issue


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Okay, so I'm creating a new mod, and I've been meticulously blending and rendering all my meshes. I finally imported to nifskope, hoping I was at the last stage. I moved them all into position, attached them to the skeleton, it all looked fine.


Alas, it was not to be. I loaded into the game, put the new piece of clothing I had just made on and...nothing. Only one part of the item showed up, the rest is still invisible. I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong. I compared the NifStrips to the one that was showing up, and I couldn't find anything different. I even compared the properties to an existing mod downloaded from here and it seems like I did everything right.


Can someone help me out? This is a mod I'm planning to release to the community once I get it working and I'll make sure to give the proper citations to anyone who provides help with the matter.


If anyone is interested in helping debug this issue, I'd be willing to send you the .nif and .dds files of the mod I'm working on so you can open them up and see what I missed. Otherwise, I'm open to advice and I'll try it on my own first.


Thanks as always for the help.

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Thanks for the suggestion, that's definitely not it though. I'm already doing all of that.


This is more than likely an issue with this specific mod, because other mods I've made have not had the issue. So, I'm almost certain it is some setting in NifSkope that I either have wrong or haven't set.



Okay, so now I managed to get the stuff to render in game, but for some strange reason they aren't where they are on the skeleton in NifSkope. For instance, one piece if floating WAY off behind my characters head. Two others are slightly off to the side, and the final piece is...well actually it is right where it is suppose to be. I can't figure out what's wrong. Perhaps there is an anchoring problem on the skeleton or something like that?


Sorry I'm so new at this. I really need the advice of some experienced modders on this one.

Edited by AH1
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I finally imported to nifskope, hoping I was at the last stage. I moved them all into position, attached them to the skeleton, it all looked fine.


If you are doing outfits, which are rigged,you cannot simply- move them all into position, attached them to the skeleton, post export in nifskope. You do not want to mess with transforms after something has been skinned.

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I don't know what you are doing specifically. all I pick up blender, and clothing. and that little quote I made in my last reply


well um, you should just be exporting from Blender, < everything like materials, alignment, skinning, would all be done before export


once you export to a nif, there would only need to be very minor changes to the output nif, (if any at all) to get a working outfit in fallout.


Moving rigged meshes around post export in nifskope will do 1 of 2 things- either have zero effect because the transforms will be on the mesh and that is likely ignored- it'll look like it's in the correct place in nifskope.


you will move the mesh objects and collapse/apply transforms, you'll get a warning in nifskope if you try to do so

this will probably break the rigging, and then it'll no longer correctly function as a outfit, or function at all.

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I'm admittedly not very good with blender. That probably is the problem right there. I'm still learning how to use it. Honestly, I hadn't even considered that!


Blender is a bit of a bear to learn, so pardon my newbish nature with a question that is probably this simple to fix!


EDIT: Took a look in Blender, and you are absolutely right. I didn't anchor the stupid thing in Blender, and that is why the thing was screwing up so badly. Stupid me. Well, this was a learning experience. To be honest, I still don't know what I'm doing. Blender is very difficult. However, I'm using the "Noob to Pro" guide to help clear up some questions, so hopefully I won't have to bug the community again.


Still, any guidance on this subject is still appreciated. I'm not sure if this is the problem yet or not, because I am still working out how to fix it.

Edited by AH1
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I want to thank Ghogiel for his guidance. Although it may have seemed obvious to some, it was a revelation for me. I was new at this, and I left out an important critical step that was causing my meshes to go wacky, namely, I didn't correctly assign them to the rigging in Blender.


Once again, thank you Ghogiel. I've upped your Kudos in appreciation!

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