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How Special Encounters Could Be Made


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Well, you could place the Twilight referance one in the Vault 21 hotel area, for example, in a closed room where one opens the door to find a non-hostile Glowing One named 'Ed Pattinson' or 'Robert Cullen' and the dead body of a girl named 'Isabelle', on her you could find a holotape where she wistfully blabbers on about how dreamy her beloved Ed/Robert is and how she and him ran away because nobody could understand their love. The implication being made, more or less, that her beloved Ed/Robert chowed down on her brains by the end of it. Edited by Terralventhe
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Perhaps we could make a very ripped up and bloody Ed Cullen body, and a group of "crazed" women around him. Infering that the poor fella was killed and eaten by his female fans. Perhaps but a book in the girls inventories called "Vampire Novel Called Sunset" and have it have a bad effect on the player as long as they carry it. Edited by simplywayne90
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Hmm. It might require making a specific type of clothing, but how about a Supermutant called Jake, lying dead while surrounded by a group of women wielding shovels, hatchets, and other basic melee weaponry, wearing shirts with 'Team Ed' painted on the fronts? That way we can do both the 'Dead Bella' and what you suggested, just using Jacob instead of Edward.
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Hmm. It might require making a specific type of clothing, but how about a Supermutant called Jake, lying dead while surrounded by a group of women wielding shovels, hatchets, and other basic melee weaponry, wearing shirts with 'Team Ed' painted on the fronts? That way we can do both the 'Dead Bella' and what you suggested, just using Jacob instead of Edward.


I like the idea of the shirts, I will definitly require those if this is ever made, I also like the suggestion that Jake should be a super mutant, and edward a ghoul, so thats a good start, I'll circle back to this encounter later. Have you read my outlines for the others yet? I'm pretty pleased with them so far but any feedback on them you have would be greatly appriciated, also if you haven't yet listen to the two Nanuk videos, they make me laugh every time.

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I've read them, yeah. I didn't really comment on them because they looked good to me thusfar, so I wasn't sure what to add.


Thats good new for me, I tried to be as specific as possible in the recreate of the originals, I wasn't about to leave room for change with them,


However I'm always open to new ideas, are there any other movies or popular shows you'd like to suggest, I'll help make a parody scenario If I know the show,


To be honest, I can't think of any shows and movies to make parodies of, so if you have some post them.


Maybe we could parody the music games, Have a character with guitar weapon in-game, named the "guitar hero"


I'd love to have a cameo from Cypto-sporidium from Destroy all Humans, But using his voice may be copyrighted,

skip to 1:08 in the video.



Lord of the rings could make a good parody subject, I'm sure theres content already made for it here on nexus

We Definity need A HANGOVER PARODY for New Vegas.

We could make a shoe weapon possibly, to re-enacted the shoe incident with President George Bush. George is nice by the way (I've had dinner with him twice, he's actually really funny, so I'd feel bad about killing him with shoes in Fallout =P.)



Since I live in Austin I thought I may also parody the famous webshow "Red vs. Blue" by Austin company RoosterTeeth.

Edited by simplywayne90
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-------------------------------An Encounter With The Thriller-------------------------------------


Okay so I've had this idea for along time, and I didn't know I wasn't the first, but I'm glad so I can now show you what this would look like almost exactly! Hooray!


In this encounter, which in-game we will call "You encounter the Thriller and his followers"

you find a group of ghouls dancing in impossible ways, as a song fills the air,


The one in front (being non-feral so he can equipt clothes)

He should have on either a retextured merc charmer outfit to look like the red jacket in the video, (If someone wanted to do the extra work)

Or perhaps a suit and fedora?

Some sort of outfit that Michael would wear.


The rest i'd suggest be feral and glowing ghouls to keep with the original music video, but the video I've included looks good too.


Using Umpas animations this encounter would be fun and relitivaily easy to make.


NV Dance, Umpa Animation Mod Port



Edited by simplywayne90
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Hmm. Well, for the Lord of the Rings thing you could do something like a group of people in Power Armor (and a Supermutant) in the desert - probably best done via voice-acting - with them reviewing the whole 'You have my sword' speech from Fellowship.


"You have my Ripper."

"And my Plasma Rifle."

"And my Super-Sledge!!"

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Hmm. Well, for the Lord of the Rings thing you could do something like a group of people in Power Armor (and a Supermutant) in the desert - probably best done via voice-acting - with them reviewing the whole 'You have my sword' speech from Fellowship.


"You have my Ripper."

"And my Plasma Rifle."

"And my Super-Sledge!!"


I love that, I've always love the and my axe jokes.

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Just to anyone who didn't play the first 3 games...


Special encounters were pretty much what made the game worth while (besides the obviously epic story to go through :D)


They were those weird things, or even some completely out of place things that went off of parodies, or something that some devs liked. Pretty much, the personalization and funny bone in the game. The kind of personalization you don't see too much in games now. But it's hella funny xD

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