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Your game of the year, what you are most looking forward to in 2k11.


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-There's so much greatness coming out in the next year that it's hard to choose what I'm looking forward to most. But, based on past endeavors, I'm going with GW2 by a hair over Old Republic. I'll never forget the mass amounts of heated, obscene trash talking on my Necro-Mes during Alliance Battles.


I'm looking forward to resuming the Necro (and trash talk) in an all-new world.

Edited by Karasuman
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Cross classing mage archetypes was a blast!


I'll never forget the pvp, the trash talk, the pure unadulterated hatred from some of the Korean/Chinese career gamers as my"mezmezmezmezmezmezmezMETEORITES!mezmezmezmezmezMETEORITES!mezmezmezmez" tactic mowed them down without prejudice.


Frankly I miss the halcion days of old school MMO-ing. COX, SWG(pre SOE) GW, golden age WOW, EVE, DnD online. The good stuff.


Back in those good old days, the raids were raids, not sixty player "pin the tail on the donkey" followed by stealing shiney swords. Back in my day, we actualy had to fight something dificult, and what's more, we actualy were able to lose back then! It was the days when MMOs were hardcore, hard knocks pvp warzones, when a weak noob would be eaten alive, spat out, and then eaten alive again. And where true hardcores could carve out their own empires, and when you attacked those empires with sword and baynotte, not by calling a DEV and lobbying.


I miss those days, GW 2 could revive them and I'm keeping an eye on it, but Im still umming and ah-ing.

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