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Okay, so every mob is invisible, but that's quite a minor deal.


It's always night, which makes the invisible mobs a little worse...


The core of my castle is gone, and with it, my ENTIRE storage... Any reason why exactly these blocks are gone?

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chunk errors are created by users, so you're to blame >.<. I have a backup from the 8th, but I don't know what chunk you are on just yet >.>

I don't spot any errors you mention myself.


//those chunk errors are fixed, let me know if you find more

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I hope everyone appreciates the work Pronam has put in these past two weeks while I have been derelict in my duties. If you see him on, thank him.


I am back - I was traveling around for the past week and a half without cell service or internet access. Now that I'm back, I shall now proceed to spend the night at the bar to celebrate Osama's death (its the afternoon here), and shall then proceed to see what I can learn about the updated setup.

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Im just gonna randomly cut in here and say that Beta 1.6 will have functioning Nether in SMP.


Source: http://notch.tumblr.com/post/5136312534/fixing-bugs-enabling-nether


That will be cool assuming it works

Only downside is that you would need a nasa server for it not to lag. :biggrin:

Would be really cool tho. Imagine nether towns.

And @Pronam thanks a lot for what you did. If not for you the server wouldn't even be up.

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The server is coming down for a bit while I work on things. Lets see if I can do anything.


EDIT: Server up. Testing. Some problems already noted. Working on it.


EDIT 2: Testing paused slightly while I move to reliable internet connection. Server up in the meantime, but not reliable.


EDIT 3: Server is up, but far from working. Proceed with caution.

Edited by Ethre
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User data and warps should be restored correctly now. That includes you Anton.

Hmm still getting you are not permitted to build.

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