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Unofficial TESNexus Minecraft Server


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Everyone, We should all get accounts on yogiverse.com so we can make a group application for the whitelist server!

I saw it once, it was like looking at the land of a God in minecraft form.

Come on, that server is awesome! :D Everyone go!


I need a minimum of 3, and all need to have Yogiverse account.



Also, let me do the talking. I know almost exactly what to say for an almost guaranteed entry. :)



EDIT: An old picture, but this still stands.

Mt. Yogmore: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5228/5568463902_a959c93ed1.jpg


Ah, nevermind. I got accepted into a group, and we went into a private server to see how I fit in. And I did! :D

We are just wating for the word from Amarielle or Niea (the admins in charge of that) on whether we are accepted or denied! :D

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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never happened. bukkit updated in-between killing most plugins again. Worldguard didn't update too well either. Then next week 1.5 gets out and all is broken again :O
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