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Unofficial TESNexus Minecraft Server


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Same Cant connect thought it was my laptop apparitly not



And I thought it was my local network problems preventing me from doing so . . .


I've sent a message off to the host to see if they know of the problem. I'll let everyone know as soon as I do.

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The new server IP was listed here, but now I'm not seeing it. Does the old IP still work, and/or is the new IP listed somewhere? I remembered the new IP, but others might not.
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I have no idea what happened to that post. :confused: I know I didn't delete it . . . odd.


The server got moved to a different box in an attempt to clear up some of the connectivity issues. As a result the IP address has change slightly. As Genzel said, change the last three digits to 174.


The entire address in the attached pictures

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I think this should be the OFFICIAL nexus server, the nexus could really do with a minecraft community, not just an unofficial one :)


and as you guys are all a fans of Minecraft.


Just thought you might want to check out Falloutcraft - Minecraft in Fallout


(It's also out for Fallout 3 too if you search for it)


With some images :thumbsup:





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Okay, I'm really sorry whoever I did this too. But someone's dog randomly attacked me when I spawned into the town. I don't know whose it was, but it had a collar. I logged out and back in, and it still attacked me. I warped around and tried to make it give up. The only option was for me to kill it. I'm terribly sorry to whoever just lost their dog, as their really was no other option for me, since the dog just came up and attacked me out of nowhere.
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Woow Wiccan - thank you for creating that! That looks amazing!


To those who are wondering, we've had a pretty decent time the last couple of days. Server has been solid.

Tommorrow (my time) some limited enemy mobs will be one. Be careful out there.

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Woow Wiccan - thank you for creating that! That looks amazing!


To those who are wondering, we've had a pretty decent time the last couple of days. Server has been solid.

Tommorrow (my time) some limited enemy mobs will be one. Be careful out there.

I'll try and be on soon guys :D Will be there.

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