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Oh come on this is so unfair ^_^

It's making me want to test my range of potty mouth words and see if I know them all hehe :3


:( Ah well... http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohdear.png...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif*cries*

KD I would not trust you with a stick being afraid you will kill someone with it. I can see why Ub3r would not trust you with a list of potty words you don't need to know. xD

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o_O Why?

They're censored anyway so it's not like I can say them :3




*Googles naughty words*



I now have to call the cyber police to have you banned from the internet. >.>

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I have now spread my potty vocabulary so far that there isn't enough money to fill my swear jar!

Time to purchase myself an xbox 360 to educate the potty mouthed 7 year olds with microphones what a real potty mouth sounds like.

Mental scars will be had.


This is yours and ub3rs fault... :3

All parents will be calling for your heads and I shall be laughing from the top of my tower with the Troll face grin :3



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He's alive o_O!


Quick, hide all the lava and TNT!


Well I say damn a lot, I use it in place of other nasty words as I'm trying to cut down on cursing (I blame certain shooting multiplayer games)

Although I don't really swear much while typing anyway so it's a lost cause :P



Anyway, welcome back Ethre :D


Oh while I remember, thankyou to the person who made VIP's my favourite colour, I'm very happy now :P

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I was trying to connect to this server and it gives me this error:

Failed to connect to the server connection refused: connect


I just started playing minecraft today and it would be nice to play with someone who have played it more.

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