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Unofficial TESNexus Minecraft Server


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We're not forcing you to use the server.

Don't like the people using it?

Find another.

Simple as.

We didn't grief you, take it or leave it.

We did nothing to anyones regioned land, nor can we touch it from anywhere.

It won't change what happens on the server.

Have a tantrum and try getting us banned. It won't happen. EVER.




So Destiny, now you're resorting to racist stereotypical comments based on my British heritage?

Do you see me doing the same to you for being from Australia?

Do you see me doing it to anyone else based on where they come from?


So I suggest you quit it.

Ah, quiet. I'm allowed to have fun with people from the land from which my ancestors descended from. :D All Hail Scotland, Ireland and Wales. :D


How am I being racist when we are practically the same race, we are both of British descent. :3


Now excuse me whilst I enjoy my bush tucker. :D

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HOLD THE HELL UP. I sat in with rather unknown group Team WSG (whosedgrief?) on one of their events. They know the AVO client.

I now know what AVO is actually capable of.


Like changing their names and skins to other players. Like dodging server restrictions like lava buckets and the like.

NoCheat? They dont care. they can fly anyway.

They can destroy any block in one hit.

They can dodge ANY server permission.

They can drop tons and tons of blocks and lag a server to all hell

the list goes on and on and on and on. There is almost nothing they CANT do.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Calm down everyone. I don't want to see anyone banned from the forum for what they say here.


Yoba somehow made KDS an admin (Unless it was some method of just changing the color of his name) and it seems that they've been doing that. So that's how they got the lava and griefed protected structures. Yes, I've read the logs.You two don't do a good job of not looking guilty. KDS, you've basically said that you're here to make other players upset, and that's not a thing I want to see on the server.


I was going to step down as an admin, but in light of things, KDS and Yoba are hardly fit to serve the role. I've removed their rank and set them to the default. Ethre can decide what to do with them from there.


Will edit later after some work.

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Ub3r you fool.

We went to the Nether :3

*points and laughs*



and the areas are unprotected. End of. String explains all. Umad?


Quote me when I said "I want to make other players cry like babies"?


Ps. Default is the same as VIP essentially :P




Edited by KDStudios
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Congratulations, KDS. In my opinion you should have stayed banned after what you did on Eric's server.


As for me...


You're right, I have been abusing my power. And if that is what lead to the world corruption, my humblest apologies. I intend to step down once this mess with KDS and Yoba is resolved, and I will play legit. Actual griefers are so rare on this server that my role as a moderator is not required, and I believe the ones already here can do the job well enough. My only problem with stepping down is that I will no longer be able to put protection onto my buildings (Though I hope Pronam or someone will do that for me), and I'm under the impression that if my buildings weren't protected KDS would promptly destroy them. Yes, KDS, it is obvious you dislike me. I'm sorry for that. What more do you want me to do about it?


Now, if you'll excuse me, there's modding to be done!

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I don't dislike you ub3r, I never have.

I hold you in high regard, mostly because of Eric's server.

I have no idea what you're on about because nothing happened there. We had great times building. Then we exploded the map, built loads on the new map then next thing I knew the server was dead and this server was born.

I was never banned nor kicked in that server :/

Infact we all got along great if I remember rightly.


The only thing I hated, was your playstyle when I got back. Just didn't like the fact we have to slave and you could just get it to appear out of no where.

Not like the good old days when we built huge structures from materials we all gathered and shared.

So that's the only reason I hated your castles so much :P

They're good designs, I'll give you that.

Edited by KDStudios
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I have gone overboard with item spawning. It just always seemed to be a detail of the design. I'll stop. I am going to have to remove my ability to spawn, because I know that I'm going to if I can.


I think I feel much better now that I know that.

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Thread locked until further notice.


Too much "griefing" on this thread. Time to let the emotions cool down.


EDIT: Here is a note from Ethre


Calm down all. I'm currently trying to sort out all this mess. It looks like I may be issuing a number of temporary suspensions to various people.


In general things seem to have gotten a little crazy when I disappeared for a month, and this is partially a continuation of that. I'll begin by acknowledging a few problems on my side (which I will work to fix):

1) Failure to strictly enforce all the rules. I've let a number of (non-griefing) violations continue over the last month and a half. This includes spawning, but also certain "mods" or hacks. There's no point in pretending that I can identify all clientside hacks, but there are some that the server is very good at detecting. I've let most of these slip by.

2) A lazy backup policy

3) My previous extended absence


Also, I need to apologize to a few people who's PMs I didn't respond to - or did not respond to in a timely manner. I do read all messages (though some in the last month were obviously read with a delay) and make mental note of your comments. I do, at least briefly, look into all allegations of misconduct/etc. I do not always choose to act upon them though, and I believe this has (at times) incorrectly created the impression that I have not looked into them.

If things have simmered down since the allegations I am less likely to act than I perhaps should be.


Final Reminder: Remember the Nexus rules. Be polite - keep it civil.


Now, regarding the map:

We're going to have to move to a new one it looks like. I've been finding more and more faults across the map. As some have suggested, I do believe some of the faults are caused by overuse of plugin tools (basically overpowering the server). Some others are aggravated by our specific server configuration (I'll refrain from discussing these details for security reasons - don't worry too much though, as the updates I intended to get on this weekend should hopefully fix some).


Anyway - please voice (once again) your suggestions for a new map. At present the main desire seems to be for Planetoids. Skylands or similar has also come up.

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