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Unofficial TESNexus Minecraft Server


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If I see a continuation of the prior conversations that got this thread locked in the 1st place, I will simply "lock" each member's profile instead. That includes the instigators and those replying to them.


I hope I made myself clear.



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me and kd are setting up a settlment on stilts, anyone who comes on let try to get this done before the server goes down, as one last tribute to ethre
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It really depends on how many options you take. It's got some stuff one can do without (Like automatic backups, which you can do yourself), and we could keep it at the 8-member limit. Not sure about storage space, which seems to be one of the more expensive bits. I know the world takes up a lot of space.
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I'm not making promises, but there's already a plan in motion about the server :)

The legacy of this server will not end on the 2nd of September :)

It will be like SimplyEricJames' server, we move on to the next :)


Yes lostone and I are working on a city/town thing on stilts, pretty amusing really.

Anyone willing to add to it is welcome. This large project could be our last on Ethre's server :)

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World: I will provide two zipped world files for public download following September 2nd - one of the world right after spawn (thanks to Ub3r for creating it?) and one of the world closer to then. Megaupload most likely. I also still have a number of backups of the old worlds if anyone is interested.

Please note that 1.8 may come out though - which adds significant points of interest to the worlds so a new map may be preferable. Seed can be saved if wanted.


Server: For reference, I've had it hosted at ArtofWarCentral.com for a cost of slightly over XX per month. 8 player cap, no special add ons. Max data size was probably ~3gb (slightly less then two of backups, plus files/etc). We had a few problems with lag, but they always responded quickly to any problems I had. All in all a very positive experience for me. Uptime was close to 99% (ignoring when I had it down)

RAM is the biggest issue with minecraft it seems. Some hosts actually rent it by ram and not slots. A gb for java (on the server) was generally sufficient for our usage though.

EDIT: Seems I was grandfathered in under a significantly cheaper hosting deal. If someone's interested in maintaining the server (looks like they'll still let me pay the old rate), please contact me directly and I'll let you know the exact numbers. I've removed them from this post as a courtesy to AoWC.


Suspensions: Given that the server's coming down, I feel it would be kinda pointless to apply them now. :/


Also - let me know if you want any specials on sale at spawn - since its coming down, I've got no problem with a "blowout clearance" on blocks!

Edited by Ethre
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So, what does it cost to rent a server? if it's not too much, I could pay for it, but not maintain the server-side of things.

(I do not play that much, but I want to start again.)

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Looking at the ram we used >.> the standard price would be $40/month. So yeah..I think ethre had a decent deal being lower :P.

A third option is to run it from someone's PC. I'd recommend using a protection via no-ip though and the awareness it's not really a perfect option. (Eric's PC burned >.>)

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bla bla bla



Would everyone mind thanking my right hand here? This is the guy who kept things together when I would randomly disappear.


Additionally, my thanks to Ub3rman and Argomirr for their assistance.

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