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Unofficial TESNexus Minecraft Server


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Looking at the ram we used >.> the standard price would be $40/month. So yeah..I think ethre had a decent deal being lower :P.

A third option is to run it from someone's PC. I'd recommend using a protection via no-ip though and the awareness it's not really a perfect option. (Eric's PC burned >.>)

I'd volunteer but I am not so sure about getting 24/7 run time there though.

I got all hardware (minus the hard drive which I can get) I would really need.

And maybe a bit more RAM so I could run other things but the server. None of it that expensive though.

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Hardware is -mostly- irrelevant.

Most modern computers can run a server these days without a problem.



It all depends on your upload speed.

The average internet user these days has a disgusting upload speed. About 0.1-1 Megabit upload speed.

You have to pay a silly amount to your ISP to get it faster or upgrade to a server line.

Either way it's more costly than simply renting a server.

Unless you intend to make money from the faster speeds, there's no reason to do it.


You need at least 2 Megabit upload to run a decent server.

1 megabit can handle perhaps 3 people... 4 at a push.


Again I agree with Ethre, thanks to Pronam and Ub3r and Argo (when he actually pops his head up :P )

Server has been pleasant :D


Looking for the best deals right now, Ethre's is definitely a great deal.

We have the best part of just over a week to find one, so get your magnifying glasses out guys :D

Plenty of time.

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KD's right about the upload speed. Its not so fun when your blocks respawn.

In terms of data transfer its not really significant. I have no numbers for the server itself, but I ran a few on the local server and it really wasn't a noticeable amount for a high-speed internet connection. That said, if you were, say downloading linux distros, you would definitely feel the impact.


The current rates seem more like that Ub3r. I was in at slightly less than a quarter of that (and originally I was looking for a cheaper host!).


Good to hear from you Dr Grimm. :)

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Yeah, big thanks to Ethre for hosting and maintaining the server, and to Pronam for fixing it when we would break it, and to ub3r for doing both his and my job when I was not around. :P


The server has been great. :wink:

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