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To be honest I don't like the economy mod. The economy should be created manually. If stores could balance the ammount of money they sell things for then we can have things like inflation. Where you have to pay 1000000 for cobblestone :P
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It's not perfect, but I like having a decent way to trade. And inflation is fun!


[EDIT]Ugh, minecraft.net is down again.

Edited by Argomirr
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Ethre what do you think about putting some signs up for people to buy materials and stuff they can't get anywhere else right now like bonemeal, string, sulfur, netherworld items, and stuff like that? I assume there is a way to sell materials but with an infinite supply in the sign as long as you have the money.


Minecraft.net is down for me, I get the 503 error.



And have you guys seen this? Its coming out for the 360, and it looks a whole lot like minecraft, just way better graphics. And its written in C++ instead of Java.




Unfortunately, I don't have a 360, and hope it comes out on PSN eventually.

Edited by crimsonedge11
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That doesnt look better than minecraft*... That looks like a crappy ripoff.

Great that its written in C++ though, would be great to see minecraft leave Java at some stage.





*Not including the actual 3D tools, epic water, reflections and dust from explosions. The actual textures are horrible.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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That doesnt look better than minecraft... That looks like a crappy ripoff.

Great that its written in C++ though, would be great to see minecraft leave Java at some stage.


Its gonna have some different features in the game than minecraft, if someone wants to step in and try to do a better job than Notch on a game like this, I am welcome to the idea, even if it is a ripoff. If anything it will force competition, and maybe light a fire under Notch to do a better job, and in the end we will all get a better product because of this. And if Notch don't step up there is always Fortresscraft.

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I wont buy it. If they came in first, I would certainly have bought it, but it appears they are jumping on the wagon because they think that if they do something that is exactly the same as a great success and add some special effects gimmicks, people will lap it up.


'The Minecraft for people who can't afford a PC' is what I shall call it.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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I don't even own a 360, so I'll be sticking to good ol' Minecraft.


CC, it may be a good idea to put up some more cob and wood signs, your stock ran out pretty quickly.

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