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Unofficial TESNexus Minecraft Server


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Let me clarify one point: I flattened out the area around spawn to make it easier for people to build a large city or various projects. You are perfectly free to choose to build elsewhere and to never visit that area if you so desire. You don't really need to ask me or any admin for permission to build on the flat area, but I don't want to have to moderate arguments over "rights" to it (so I would prefer if you talked to people before staking out an area).


If you're interested in the mumble room (I don't know how many are/will be on it):


Quoted from Dark0ne's post:

Connecting to the Nexus Mumble server



1. Download Mumble from their site http://sourceforge.net/projects/mumble/files%2FMumble%2F1.2.2%2FMumble-1.2.2.exe/download

2. Install Mumble as you'd install any other software

3. Go to Server -> Connection or press CTRL + O to bring up the "Mumble Server Connect" window

4. Click "Add New..."

5. Servername: Nexus

6. Address:

7. Port: 58657

8. Username: Your nexus forum username




If the Mumble server goes down for any reason then use the forum chat to coordinate :)



Turning off "All-talk" so we don't get feedback from your speakers/mic


All-talk basically means as soon as your microphone picks up a noise it will transmit it. It's good in some situations but particularly bad if you don't have or aren't using a headset. It's probably best, considering the number of people who have said will be taking part, if everyone turns all-talk OFF to avoid potential issues. It means we might miss out on a few screams and crying, but hopefully you'll quickly learn to press your talk key before you wet yourself... ;) To do this:



1. Go to Configure -> Settings

2. Under "Transmit" select "Push to Talk" from the drop-down menu

3. Go to "Shortcuts" on the left

4. "Push-to-talk" should be in the list. Change the key shortcut to whatever button it is you want to press in order to talk to others on Mumble





You are welcome to come on to the server and chat/listen even if you're not going to play the demo. The Mumble server will be up from now until Friday and myself and a couple of others are sat in it most of the time; so come on in before the night and get all your settings sorted out so we don't have to wait for you on Friday :)

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Hey, I do have speakers! :P


To be honest I think the giant flat area around spawn is not the best place to build our town. It's great if you want to build something massively huge that's all about the structure in its own, but for a medieval? town that's supposed to look in place I think we should find an area that looks more natural.

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