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  • 1 year later...
So im pretty sure this topic is pretty much been abandoned here, but im having the same problem, any exterior with multiple levels (as in a 2 or 3 story building you can walk into from outside without having to goto a load screen) will show up fine in geck, but every single multi leveled interior loads maybe if im lucky a piece of floor about 5 feet by 5 feet (in game charicter comparison) leaving me with floating charicters (only some charicters load) and tons of symbols everywhere charicters should be and every miscilanious item is invisible along with all floors and walls and everything else... i tried the geckprefs solution and tried turning it from 1-0 about 30 times even allowing long waiting periods between them all while the geck is closed but it still has no effect. has anyone found a solution for this problem yet?
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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

I know this topic is dead but for future reference I read somewhere you just edit "ALL" the Room Marker's position. Easiest way is to Use your cell view chart and organize by type. Then drop down to static and right click on anything labeled Marker or Room Marker and edit. I did it in the past just setting "Z" adding a 1 infront of everything or 1000 to anythin set at 0 temporarily, some pattern thats consistent. You MUST SAVE AND QUIT. then reload Geck for it to work. (If It doesn't work you didnt restart Geck). Now when you load into the cell everything is displayed (you will get an error about the room size being too big but give it a sec to load ;-). Then you just copy everything in the cell to a new cell or edit it and replace the markers by deleting the added numbers. (It is important that the position be back to where it was default or like mentioned before you will have clipping issues.)


Edit: ****Just confirmed on mine, I remembered Correctly*****


Tip: When editing use the same position trick with the audio triggers for the rooms so it easier to get to all objects

Edited by thecowboyway07
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