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Habassa: The RPG


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To All Characters:

As the ruins come into view, a group of about 30 soldiers appear as well, walking quickly down the road to intercept you. They are wearing blue and gray painted armor of a style you have never seen before, and carry a mixture of pikes and longbows. As they reach effective longbow range, about 300 feet away, they spread out into a half circle blocking any progress towards the ruins. The pikemen set their pikes in a screen in front of the archers, putting up a deadly wall against any advance. The archers each ready a single arrow, the points glowing with some form of enchantment, but hold, apparently waiting for the order to fire. Finally, an archer wearing the slightly more elaborate uniform of an officer steps out of the formation and walks over to you. "You're not allowed here," he says in a voice of clear command, "Habassans only past this point." As if anticipating your next words, he continues "And since I haven't recieved word of any outsiders coming here on official business, that excuse won't work. I don't want to have to kill you, so you'd better turn back."

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Corithalion speaks up.


"I believe our course runs to Balmora, don't you think Kyrykki? Elbras? Reylas? Why don't we leave these good gentlemen to their business." To the soldier who spoke up, he yells "Sorry, we're a little messed up. Which way is it to Balmora, or is Suran closer?" He shrugs his shoulders, and looks plaintively at the man.

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To All Characters:

As you finish, a bit of the hostility fades from the man's expression. Replacing it is a look of amused contempt. "Well, you're way off of where you should be. Suran's back that way," he points back down the road you came frome, "if you hurry, you just might catch the last silt strider of the day. I'd hate to see you dead from spending the night out here!" He turns and walks back to the rest of the group. As he walks away, you hear a slight laugh and something about "foolish travelers these days... if only they'd stay home and save us from their ignorance." Though the speaker has retreated for the moment, the ring of guards remain in place waiting for your decision, arrows still ready.

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Corithalion points his finger the way that the man had indicated, raises his eyebrows, tilts his head, and shrugs. He bows deeply, including his best flourish. "Thank you!" he calls to the man. "We could have been wandering around out here for days!" He turns and heads briskly back down the path. "Come on," he says to the party. "Let's get going - I know my wife is waiting!"
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Kyrykki agrees. The Habassans clearly have the place well guarded. The uniforms were the same colour as that worn by their 'employer' suggesting he too is a Habassan. Kyrykki knows nothing about Habassa. On the way back to Suran he asks if anyone else has information on the place or its people.
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Elbras nods to the guards and turns away, down on the path back to Suran.


"Well, I've heard rumours of a place called Habassa somewhere off the coast of Vvardenfell. Haven't really heard any details though..."

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