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Habassa: The RPG


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"We could just drop at Khuul" Avelyn starts to say, trying to be heard over the conversations. "And walk to Ald Velothi. Just a group of mercenarys, to poor for the strider, heading to Gnisis, and stopping at Ald Velothi for a rest. I think that would be more plausible than people swimming out of the ocean for no particular reason." Avelyn finishes, waiting for the groups reply.



OOC:Sorry for not have posting so long. Lots of homework....

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(ooc - i sympathize regarding the homework. glad you're back!)


I agree with Avelyn partly. Swimming up to town is a bit odd, but so is such a large group of mercs coming in. That's why I suggested the smaller recon parties. Smaller groups coming in from different directions gives us a better chance of not being noticed. Since I'm newest to the group, I'll defer to the party's wishes, but I think mine is the wisest course..."


She looks at the party expectantly.

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To Vivec Group:

As promised, once you all arrive, the boat leaves. It is a short trip, and soon you are standing at the dock in Ebonheart. On arrival, you notice nothing unusual about things around you, it appears to be just another typical day.

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Kyrykki nods to Aeden. "As we said, Elbras and I will approach from the west. If Khar-tul and Avelyn approach from the east and you and Corithalion arrive by silt strider we have three groups. That is less likely to alarm the natives."


He points to Elbras and then to what he wears himself. "We are too well amoured to pretend to be anything other than fighters. We could be freelancers looking to earn bounty by clearing out the dens of smugglers around here. There are always rumours about such bands in Gnisis and that's where we will say we have been."


He turns to Elbras and then the others: "What say you?"

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