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Habassa: The RPG


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(OOC: Nevermind I just deleted my last post. Poorly timed. Sorry! :P just forget what I posted there. I'll go get my armour etc later...)


Elbras decides to stand up and introduce himself.


"Yeah, I'm Elbras, been working locally in Balmora for a while now. I'm a warrior, as you have probably already guessed..."


He smiles and sits back down.

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Corithalion stops quickly by the barkeep to see if the gentleman he asked about the night before is there. If so, he notes his appearance and continues to the meeting.


Corithalion stands.


"Greetings, my companions, and I hope, friends." He bows deeply. "I am Corithalion, Breton by birth, Imperial by rearing, and as the two got me completely messed up, a wanderer by trade. I look forward to our working together, unless this is to get us all together for some kind of competition, in which case, may the best one win.


I enjoy a good laugh more than a fight, and I welcome all those who would do either with me."

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To All Characters:

"No, it is not a competition I have brought you here for," a voice says from the back of the room. Now standing there is a tall man dressed in a dark gray cloak. Partially visible underneath is a set of blue and gray light armor, and both the armor and his cloak pin appear very similar to the seal on the letter you recieved. He carries a ceremonial katana on his belt, and a longbow across his back. And he looks very capable of sending you to meet your gods with either of them.

Once he sees that he has your full attention, he continues. "I have a job for you. I have.... interest... in the Dwemer ruins at Arkngthunch-Sturdumz. But some of my people working there were found dead yesterday. The Imperials dismissed it as random a random thieves attack, but I have reason to believe that there is far more to it. There have been far to many "random incidents" in the past few months. But all my attempts at investigation are being blocked from above. Of course you heard none of this..." He looks at each of you threateningly, then continues. "The bodies were found on the road near Suran, so I'd suggest starting there. I want any information you can find, specifically any reserach notes or artifacts they may have had. When you finish this job, come back here and I will pay you four thousand gold for your efforts. Now unless any of you have questions, I advise you to leave now, timing is essential for this job."

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Kyrykki continues to eat his breakfast. The speaker has not offered a name and he would like to know who he is.


All the same there is something about him and his ability to disappear at will that makes him a man not to be trifled with. And yet, those who never ask, never learn.


With an open smile he says: "The money would be very useful. Might I have the honour of knowing your name?"

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To All Characters:

The man smiles back slightly at the question. "My name and my business are my own for now. Perhaps I might tell you more when I know you better... I suspect I will be seeing a lot more of you in the near future. But now, I have other business to attend to." As he says this, he begins to fade from view. As the last traces of him disappear, he speaks one last time. "I wish you the best of luck in your efforts. Fate has placed the safety of us all in your hands." Out in the main room, you hear a door swing closed.

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Corithalion laughs. "Well, he was a charming fellow, wasn't he? What say you we figure out what we all can do, so that we aren't stepping on each other's toes? Let's see, we have a lot of people who like doing things, how shall I put it, directly. Do you fight the same way? I personally enjoy the acquisition of knowledge better, and am pretty good at getting around avoiding conflict, though I can fight if I have to. Anyone else prefer second line fighting?"


He pauses, and counts heads. "I wonder how big the silt strider is."

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"Hmm yes I prefer the more... direct approach. But sometimes talk can be a better choice, but I don't choose it often."


He looks around at the table of people.


"Well, it looks like we have work to do! I also wonder how big the Silt Strider is... some of you better be prepared to sit on eachother's laps!"


He grins and exits the room, heading up to his room, where he equips his armour and repacks his sack using some rope he kept inside it, fashioning it into a kind of backpack-style bag on his back. He places his water and rashions inside it and heads back downstairs...

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OOC: Sigh... All of you post way too early =P Once again, consider this b4 the man + Elbras have left the room to reduce complications.


IC: Reylas stands and addresses the gathered adventurers.


"I am Reylas, and the one with me is my brother, Meylas. I assure you, we will not take up much room on the silt strider. May I reccomend, however, if space grows tight we leave the nord behind?"


Reylas looks directly at Kyrykki as he says this, his look betraying more than a little insanity.

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"I will fight if I must, talk if I must, sneak if I must. If it is needed, I will do it to the best of my abilities." Avelyn takes a look at the people he is now working with. He takes in what they look like. Their appearent strengths, and weaknesses. He gives a wry smile, and then gets up once again.


"If you are worrying about how much room their is on the Silt Strider, I would say get there as soon as you can." At that, avelyn turns out of the room, out of the inn, and towards the Strider Port.

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