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Where should the fallout series go next?


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Well seeing as how it can only go to populated areas in the 50's so any place that got big or was built after 1950 is not even up to talk about,


There are plenty of older areas on the eastern seaboard. Boston and Mass. Could be a whole game in the Commonwealth.


I'd like to see Texas, but in the 50's the land was incredibly dead due to over farming, resulting in the dust bowl, which given the Fallout universe resource wars would be a dead wasteland.

Central and East or South Texas might be possible, as the landscape would change since in the war the nukes sank some of the land and boiled the oceans so you could add/subtract land to the Texas coastline.


Canada as it was annexed by America.


Utah with the morman New Caanan City.


Alaska but after the war, not ust a virtual reality one.


Any American owned land/colonies as the game can only take place in America.

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Well seeing as how it can only go to populated areas in the 50's so any place that got big or was built after 1950 is not even up to talk about,



Actualy, you could use any area that was in the 50s or 60s without being inaccurate, as well as anything that was planned out or set in motion during said eras, as cities, even small ones, do not crop up over night, they take years, decades to grow. And while the technological and social timeline may be different, the population growth would still be very similar.

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I think it shoul be in DC in the capital wasteland :)



In my opinion the question of where the Fallout series should go next in terms of in game location is largely bunk if the devs do not first examine where the game should "go" in terms of game play, mechanics and atmosphere. On that note, here are some tips:


Ditch VATS and use Bullet time. No one really likes VATS anyway. Real day/night cycles would be nice. Realistic time scale, with dark nights, and a directional flashlight fastened to the player's headband or better, his belt/waistline area. See Demons Souls for a good example. That horrid "light spell" the idiotic pipboy casts is hideous and needs to go. As does the whole pipboy thing itself.


Once you've done that, design some new, intelligent AI. AI that actually thinks its using a gun and needs to take cover now and then. IF I can do it in a day I know the devs can do it, too. Drop bum-rushing creatures (ghouls, melee mutants) entirely as they ruin the fun of gun play in any shooter. Add in sprinting, crawling, dodging, dashing and rolling to dodge. Get all of this in place and working, and then worry about your game.


Next, drop the 50's era crap. Lose the awful music. Revamp the corny humor, as its needed now and then. Update the weaponry, armor and items for a more modern feel. Make radiation actually dangerous. Keep HardCore mode (survival themes fit this game great) but actually make it HARDCORE this time. Design some decent dungeons and reasons to explore. Get a writer who can; whoever this was for New Vegas should go back to writing grocery store adds pronto, as the New Vegas plot was, well....terrible, at best and utterly predictable besides.


Once you have done all of this, worry about getting us a new in game location, Somewhere which suffered a direct hit/near miss, and is a true Wasteland. Drop your hero worship of Oblivion (it wasn't that good, really) and design your own world. We don't need a ton of cookie cutter towns typical of any role playing game. We need something new, daring and different. We need a real Wasteland to explore. And we need to be able to explore it. Think NYC/Boston/Boulder, CO/NORAD/Omaha (SAC, anyone?) Get the game back to a place which feels desperate and like a real Wasteland.


All of this, is where the Franchise needs to go in the future. Frankly, I will be watching it carefully, as continuing on this trend of ever more cheerful and civilized worlds, with 9-5 jobs and happy go lucky NPC's, will just mean I turn my gaming attention elsewhere. And no, this is not some childish threat - just a simple statement to the effect of New Vegas was hardly the game I thought it would be. I will be more careful, and more weary, next time.

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