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Thanks lorelai2009 for letting me know it's possible.


Hell would freeze over before I would persuade Alistair to marry that harpy :yucky: there isn't a trophy big enough either. Now if you could marry her off to Ogren or Sten that could be fun :D


I would imagine Alistair doesn't go back to camp, or take part in the final battle because of what he says, plus Loghain's position in camp is so close to where Alistair stands it's like their armour is magnetised. I still haven't figured out a way to get rid of Loghan, I'd even settle for being able to move him to the cesspit at the back and you have no idea the problem that it cause with the Dark Times party picker.

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There are many you meet that would make good wardens and I can't think of one that I didn't like, actually that's not true I don't like Eamon, not sure why.


I'd love to make Shale a warden :laugh: pity is wouldn't be possible. Now there's a thought, what if she asked to become a warden as no one who isn't a warden knows about the joining, it's always possible that she could ask.

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Oh, Teagan would be a very powerful Warden! He would unleash his super-uber power "the lady Isolde shriek" Teeeeegannn- ha! take THAT dire bunny! the Archdemon will stand no chance, I even feel sorry for him!


On the other hand, about making companions Wardens...well that's not so crazy IMHO, I mean, they do get exposed to the darkspawn blood all the time(at least the melee ones) so that would mean they are infected,no?

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On the other hand, about making companions Wardens...well that's not so crazy IMHO, I mean, they do get exposed to the darkspawn blood all the time(at least the melee ones) so that would mean they are infected,no?


Good point, so again it all comes down to DGaider and/or BW wanting to keep it all dark and miserable and no happy ending, multiple endings, but they all suck. That probably explains all the games I've got stopped before the DR, between that and killing the AD it all seems a bit pointless once you know how sucky it is.

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Well...I don't think it's all bad writing...I mean, sure the fact that you can't scream in Riordan's face 'helloooo, I've got some infected buddies here, we could ask them' is the bad thing 'if you asked me, which you didn't, but I said it anyhow' :biggrin: BUT if we could conscript Loghain and Alistair would be happy about it and everybody would get tea and cookies, we would cry out that there are no hard choices and consequences, soooo it's silly and not silly at the same time...I mean, some people don't choose Loghain at all but for the ones that want to conscript him, it's a very hard and heartbreaking decision, especially if you're friends with Alistair(I for one NEVER conscript him when I'm friends/in love, I can't do that to Alicorn :tongue: ) I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too....the cake is a lie :tongue:

Anyhow, I wish also that there was a choice to present your companions the option of joining the Wardens, and they could accept it or not depending on the approval you have with them or the friendship status.

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@Lorelai; :thumbsup: As I read your previous post thought "Uh-Huh. Yup. Exactly!" You expressed many of my feelings very well. Part of what made DA:O so enjoyable for me was the "Decisions have consequences, some of which include making people very unhappy." aspect.


Like Ell, I just finished off two more Archie's, (wanted to see what happened with certain relationships "post-Epilogue", depending on my last few decisions.) Then, as usual, I fired up DA:A and imported my Warden. Played though to the point where I could take a breather and store my excess gear in the Party Chest in the Throne Room, and just... quit. Realized that unlike in DA:O, there was not one single Companion whose approval I cared about, any Personal Quest I really wanted to complete (although I have never managed to figure out what Oghren's deal with Felsi is), or a Campaign Goal that mattered to me, despite still lacking the "Defended the Vigil" trophy.


The DA:A characters are fun, but I guess that without the possibility of romance, (in other words, the possibility of any of them being any more than "friendly co-workers") I just don't care as much. So I went on to start GoA, (testing another "wonder what happens if..." question; confirmed my hypothesis) and thought, "This is going to be tedious..."


And thinking back over all of that, I came to recognize that my two favourite DLCs are LS, and WH. With TSP in there as well, but I consider it integral to the OC, rather than as a true DLC module. In all three cases, it's because of my emotional connection to the characters, Sha(y)le, Leliana, and especially Morrigan.


(Hmmmm, all female. Sort of... :laugh: Side question, do women players form as much of a connection with the male LIs? Would a "Come back and save Alistair from Anora's evil plot", or a "Zevran thought he had escaped the Crows for good, but he was wrong!" DLC hold any attraction? I play female PCs for a number of reasons, and have the "Hopelessly Romantic" trophy, but don't pretend that I understand how a woman views these characters.)


Anyway, whlile for me Anders is an improvement on Wynne, even Big Al was more fun to be around (when he isn't whinging) than Nathaniel. (I would have enjoyed even a vicarious Romance Option by being able to assist with Velanna-Nathaniel as we did with Oghren-Felsi in DA:O.) Something , anything, to get beyond the "I have this loose end to tie-up" or "Don't we have Darkspawn to kill?" types of interactions.


All of which is a shout out to the great team of writers at BioWare who made me care so much about what is, in fact, a collection of digital cartoons! :wink:

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Side question, do women players form as much of a connection with the male LIs? Would a "Come back and save Alistair from Anora's evil plot", or a "Zevran thought he had escaped the Crows for good, but he was wrong!" DLC hold any attraction?


Well, to answer your question about forming a connection with the male LIs(as a woman :biggrin: ) I honestly formed a deeper connection with Zevran. Maybe some view him as superficial and easy and all that, but if you get close to him you realize that his life was not a rose garden and that maybe his acts and attitude are a defense mechanism. It's really interesting if you get close to him and he tells you about his regrets and when I got him to love me I really felt special(well my character felt special-the second time he gives his earring). I also felt like he would protect me and offer good advice and comfort.

I liked Alistair too, don't get me wrong, but he has little(or none whatsoever) experience with relationships and the responsibilities they come with. I really don't think a relationship with him will last forever(and really I don't think that would be fair to him either) sooner or later he will want to experience new thing(and it should be so, I don't blame him for that).

That's the direction of my connections, oh I could go on forever about them :tongue:


As for the DLC, well the Witch Hunt was interesting for both female AND male wardens, we all wanted to know what Morrigan was up to, what's the deal with the God baby and get their questions answered(even though they were not, even more were added, but that's for another discussion) so that's why it had/has it's appeal.


Sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes, English is not my native language.

eh, I'm going to much off topic....

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Oh, Teagan would be a very powerful Warden! He would unleash his super-uber power "the lady Isolde shriek" Teeeeegannn- ha! take THAT dire bunny! the Archdemon will stand no chance, I even feel sorry for him!


Don't forget he's a warrior - chosen sole defender of the Chantry when the attack was on and he lead a party to Denerim during the final scene and was right there, fighting.

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