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I NEVER Understood...


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@RustyBlade, I know exactly what you mean :devil: especially when I decided to have a romance with Morrigan and she had the oh so nice discussion with me about how it's unhealthy to have a romance and I saw that whatever I said she disapproved(which she did not when I was in a romance with another companion) and then, oh the HORROR, when I returned at Ostagar and she made a pass at MY Alicorn! Oh, hell no woman!


@ell46, well, about Loghain and Awakening...It's not such a huge thing as in content-wise, but I do find it very ironic! Let's just say that sometimes it can be worse to be left alive among people that...don't necessary love you(to put it very lightly) :devil: :devil: I don't want to say more here because it's just spoilers for Origins.

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Guys! Guys! Woah lets not go overboard. The point of this thread is why you couldn't use other character as candiates for GW, not about Loghain's actions. We shouldn't digress from the main point. :thumbsup:


Loghain has done acts that are wrong and I will admit to it. I do not think that his actions after Ostagar were best for the nation and I admit that his failings were that he underestimated the blight and was paranoid about Ferelden's safety. I will say that it would have been better for Ferelden if Calian was removed by any means in the first place and replaced by Alistair as soon as possible. Calian would have brought Ferelden back to the Orlesians after 30 years of freedom (look up the wiki or ask Gaider for more info). I already told you why in this context it is impossible to use other people and why Loghain is a better choice for the GW. If we are going to fight over Loghain lets do it in the already exsiting thread please.

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Before death, Loghain sadly said to Anora, "Daughter never grow up. They remain 6 year old with pony tail." This shaken me. By this words and by the way he looks at Anora, I do not see a villian anymore but a loving father. It break my heart. I feel very bad, I couldn't bring myself to execute him. So I let Alistair instead. And of course, Anora wouldn't marry Alistair for this, which is not a bad thing either, since Alistair doesn't want to be king.


However. as much as I dislike Loghain, I do agree with BW that he makes better GW compare to others. He commited so many crimes he deserve to redeem himself. ( Just like Sten be allowed to redeem himself. ) For those who do not romance Morrigan or those do not choose DR, allowing Loghain to take GW's place to slay the archdemon is the best ending for me. By his ultimate sacrifice, he finally deserve his fair trial for all his crimes and prove himself as Ferelden Hero...one last time. ( It also save me from having to execute him in front of his own daughter.) On the other hand, I do like Alistair and I don't want him to leave either, considering all the things we have been through together since the beginning. I never like the choice I have to make.


But then again, I never like any of the choices Geider writes. Geider seem to like the idea of recruiting opposition chars very much, it amaze me how he twists Nathanel's story as Howe's son in Awakening. I bet Hawke going to face similar choices ( with different persona and twist, of course ) in DA2 too. :laugh:

Edited by sacredtrojanblade
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Guys! Guys! Woah lets not go overboard. The point of this thread is why you couldn't use other character as candiates for GW, not about Loghain's actions. We shouldn't digress from the main point. :thumbsup:


Yes, you are right, this turned into another Loghain thread, uhh I guess that's the risk.

So, to be on topic, who would make a good candidate for the Wardens? Assuming that at least your companions are already infected(which seems very likely and it's not stated that they have some sort of protection)

IMHO, a good candidate would be someone who understands the duty to the Wardens and can cut their ties to the former life they had, that for me is very important, because if they cannot, it could cause some serious problems later on. These are my personal thoughts, please, do not be offended :tongue:

Morrigan-I guess we all know the answer to that...Leliana? Maybe, if she can let go of her past with Marjolaine or Marjolaine kicks the bucket. Sten? I don't think he'll even want that, he wants to return to his people which come first for him, his own quest coincided with the Warden's. Wynne? Well...she is going to kick the bucket anyhow, so unless she goes mental on me and tries to take control of the Wardens because she knows better, why not?....Zevran?...hmm, this one is tricky, I guess it depends on how your relationship with him develops, but it's too much to write about that. Oghren? Well, some despise him, but you know what? He was 'lost' and had no meaning, this fight and the Warden gave him purpose and made him feel important and needed when everything in his life was a mess. So he drinks, but I guess there are far worse things in the DA world that drunken people.

As for the other characters...hmm, they are too many...but I must say something about Zathrian. Hell no! Not for me, someone who is SO bent on revenge that he would ignore all the suffering he causes to his kin, who is so deceitful and sees only his personal interests has no place among my wardens, compared to him, Avernus would be a baby.

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I don't think the question is so much who was the best candidate, but rather why no one other than Loghain was brought up for the idea of going through the joining. If the best bet was to increase the number of wardens, then even if your warden refused to put Loghain through the joining, it doesn't make sense that Riordan would not suggest you choose someone else, if in fact the whole purpose is the idea that 3 wardens are better than 2. This was a plot device by Bio Ware, nothing more nothing less, Especially considering that no matter what you do, you still end up with only two wardens, and I can kill the Arch Demon with Loghain by my side, or with Alistair by my side, it makes no difference to whether you win the game or not. It was a situation created for drama. It did the job very well too, considering how many debates there are over this one decision.
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But think of it in-game - you are fighting a god and only three people have the ability to defeat it. Wouldn't it make you feel better if there was someone else by your side who could defeat it, to take the pressure of you a bit? Especially when Riordan dies.

At the time you have to make your decision, you don't know that a) "...only three people have the ability...", or b) one of those three is going to die. Riordan could have explained a) in detail, but instead he only gives a vague, "There are important reasons..." hint.


So no-fair metagaming your decision based on information the Player, but not the PC has available! :laugh:

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But then again, I never like any of the choices Geider writes. Geider seem to like the idea of recruiting opposition chars very much, it amaze me how he twists Nathanel's story as Howe's son in Awakening. I bet Hawke going to face similar choices ( with different persona and twist, of course ) in DA2 too. :laugh:


To my relocation Gaider didn't write Loghain, Kirby did.

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I don't think the question is so much who was the best candidate, but rather why no one other than Loghain was brought up for the idea of going through the joining. If the best bet was to increase the number of wardens, then even if your warden refused to put Loghain through the joining, it doesn't make sense that Riordan would not suggest you choose someone else, if in fact the whole purpose is the idea that 3 wardens are better than 2. This was a plot device by Bio Ware, nothing more nothing less, Especially considering that no matter what you do, you still end up with only two wardens, and I can kill the Arch Demon with Loghain by my side, or with Alistair by my side, it makes no difference to whether you win the game or not. It was a situation created for drama. It did the job very well too, considering how many debates there are over this one decision.

Another point for Bioware 'good writings'. I guess they like to play drama and this one looks good to be repeated+a little bit cream to make it appear different.


On topic, Ohgren pass GW's joining in Awakening. Ouch! Bioware didn't see that one. They are just too persistent to recruit antagonists, I wonder why not keeping Howe alive and make him as candidate as well or better get the Archdemon itself to join. :laugh:

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