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Getting around faster


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Hi Everyone.I'm finding it annoying to move around slowly, especially since I started wearing power armour. I know there's fast travel of course, but that can only go to places you've been, and isn't that immersive either. Not to mention that you miss things along the way.


I'm wondering if there are any mods for getting around faster. Ideally in a way that doesn't seem silly and immersion breaking like making you run as fast as a train.


The first thing that comes to mind is a driveable motorbike mod I once saw for Fallout 3. Has anyone ported that, or anything similar?

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well, i know of only 3 options


the first is the only one that i know of, that is guaranteed to make you go faster

there is a perk in the More Perks mod found here that makes you run faster (i think it has 2 or 3 ranks, each give you 10% extra speed)

that may not be what you are looking for, but the mod is great, and it is a possible option


the other two options are transportation mods (kinda like the motorbike mod that you referred to)

these are the hovering chair, and the hoverboard mods

now, i haven't tested these two, so i don't know if they really make you go faster

but i haven't seen anything really like the motorbike mod (or any type of realistic mechanical transportation, like a car or such)


hope one of these will work for you :)

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Hoverboard mod caused immense amounts of CTD for me. I pretty much couldn't use it it at all.


I play as a Shojo (child race), so I actually move even slower than normal. The aforementioned Bonus Move (from the "More Perks" mod, three ranks of which come quickly, courtesy of the Perk Every Level mod) and the Sprint mod went a long way towards resolving any travel-time gripes I might have had.


The Mojave is disappointingly small at times.

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player.setscale 10


*walk from Goodsprings to Freeside in 120 seconds*


player.setscale 1



Setscale basically sets your(or any npc, and maybe items) height. 1 is normal. o.1 is about the size of a thimble, but unfortunantly you fall through the Navmesh. 4 is the size of the Mojave Express building. 10 is about 75% of the Lucky 38 tower. Your speed ajusts with your height, and you can type it up quickly and just walk across town(Doc Mitchells to the Goodsprings Saloon) in a few seconds.


The only downside is that sometimes a seemingly tiny crack turns out to be 25 feet high and kills you, or you accidently bounce off somthing, and rather, than go 3 inches up as normal, you fly up a few dozen feet.


Whenever I seem to be floating(or falling) I just quickly type up TCL in the console command, setscale 1, float my self to a safe place, and re-do it.


Quick, efficient, nearly seemless, and provides some good lulz when you randomly die. It's worth a try, I use it for everything from quick wasteland travel, to a simple *walk across freeside in a few seconds*, or even(and my personal favorite) an instant 20 stories high sniping spot.

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