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Bound Greaves interfearing with custom armor on CM mod Help!


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Hello, first time poster on these forums :)


Anyways, I have just installed a companion "Llhatsu Evos" and I also gave her a custom outfit/armor called "Ambassador of Darkness". Here's the problem, whenever she engages in battle she always has to summon bound greaves on herself which messes up her entire outfit completely! I have tried changing battlestyles to try and get her to stop casting the bound greaves spell but nothing seems to work. I tried to edit the character through the construction set but only 2 spells come up in there. I'm sure there is a way to disable this annoying spell but I have no idea how to do it.


Any help is appreciated :)

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You will probably have to change your companion's class and/or combat style in the CS to one that doesn't use spells, like a warrior or barbarian.
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  • 2 months later...

You will probably have to change your companion's class and/or combat style in the CS to one that doesn't use spells, like a warrior or barbarian.


I have done that and she still wants to cast the bound greaves spell o.O


I would remove all of your items from her (or you'll lose them), then save your game. Quit Oblivion and uninstall the partner mod. Start Oblivion and load the saved game -- ignore any warning about missing content. Immediately save the game again. Quit Oblivion and reinstall the partner. Do NOT start the game yet. Open up the partner in the CS and remove any and all spells, especially if they are Levelled List spells. Change her Class to Warrior and change her Combat Style to DEFAULT. That should stop her.

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