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Nexus hacking


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Yea, I was taught the safest place to keep digital information was on a disk in you're pocket. A kid for sure. Didn't even cover his tracks. I don't see anyone that's serious messing with a gaming site. All those kids are probably hacking each other.
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thanks for the heads up. I study Internet security, and most companies and websites dont like to notify people when their sites have been comprimised. But i appreciate the honesty. It makes me personally enjoy this site even more, and the guys and or gals who run it. the kid musta been tryin to be a D. and toy with this site just cause he can. just another stupid teenager. well anyways thanks again for the heads up. i havent noticed any spam showing up, anymore than usual anyways. but oh well. such is life.
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After reading the message about the hack, I tried logging in to my Gmail account latter on and found my email locked down for some reason. When I was able to finally look at what my email was like. I found that it had sent out a single mail to everyone on my friends list. It was detected by Gmail as suspicious and blocked from ever getting sent out. This is the very first time I have ever had my account hijacked and I only give this email to people I know my school and this site.
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"More amusingly the hacker made no attempt to mask his IP address from the access logs of the site which means we've traced down exactly where he lives (due to his ISP having a static IP address) to his very front door."


EPIC FAIL. That's all I can say.

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