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Nexus hacking


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Wow! More uproar (and threats and nonsense being spouted by someone who obviously has no idea what he's saying) regarding "What Must Be Done!" about this, than was caused by the event in the first place. :blink:


When I came to this thread today I went to the "first unread post" (you can guess who's it was) and replied with a one line snippet. After I hit "Submit", I discovered the thread had already lengthened by another two pages!


Perhaps we can all take a step back, let Robin & Co. do the things that really can/should be done, and not fall into the trap of feeding the troll?


My thanks, again, to Robin and his team for providing this fantastic resource for all of us, and an island of calm in the raging seas of the "Community Supported" internets! :thumbsup:

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ROFL @ the spam I am getting. I might go to the doctor, it has been over 4 hours ;0....



seriously, is there anyone in the world that actually buys stuff from spam email or phone solicitors?


Thanks for being honest about this Dark0ne even though you knew it would bring the trolls out. I didn't understand the comment someone made about your age...was it because you have done more at your age than they have in their life and they are jealous?...hard to say with those kinds of people.

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Oh for the love of god knock it off, Nexus isn't the first site to have this happen and it won't be the last. It happened and we were promptly informed, Dark0ne couldn't have done any more. As for the authorities I can assure you they won't be the slightest bit interested in a few leaked E-Mail addresses, they have far bigger fish to fry.
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