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Nexus hacking


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With all the pop ups and all, is it safe to download files, as I have a few that I plan to download.


Don't worry, the pop-ups are just a part of the Nexus's new advertising. Nothing sinister.

Thank you :)

They just seemed more prominent and a bit suspicious.

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Ok, NV is having trouble for me. Showing a white screen with mostly useless buttons, except for the forum. All the others seem fine, and this has happened before. Just usually sorts itself quick. And it hasn't yet... Probably unrelated. :unsure:


In regards to this announcement itself. Tis the sacrifice we all must make to enjoy this sort of stuff I guess. :confused:

I lost a computer back in 09 due to some virus spreading add. Not sure if it was here or at another modding site, but it happens y'know. :sad:


Anyway, I can expect my **** to get hacked any time, I've got allot of old accounts I don't remember. From what I can remember though I only shared this pass with one other place, and that's sorted now, so it's all good.

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Personally, I say you go about this the way you would a copyright infringement case. (I'm majoring in Computer Matinence, so I had to take a Copyright and Ethical issues course) Basically you send the bloody moron a "Cease and Desist" letter to his home saying A: We know what you did. B: As this letter shows we know where you live, and give the ultimatum C: "If we find you trying something like this again we will press charges against you for Cyber Terrorism (Which this attack could fall under.) and have you arrested and punished to the full extent of the law."


This way we give the little git a chance to stop being such a wanker and reform. That, and maybe it will scare him away. Then of course, if he trys again, you all can present this in court as evidence. That should really be a blow to his credibility. Oh and if the bugger is reading this somehow, if you keep this up, just remember:

When your man sells you off to someone else in prison, remember to hold out for 2 packs of smokes. Its good to have standards. (On an unrelated note, I'm a Texan who uses British expletives because usually the only people down here who can figure out what they mean are either of immediate British decent, or are something like Dr. Who fans.)

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I am totally disenchanted with you mesaging system. I try to do the right thing and advise you of a nuisance add (Hacking)that appears to track login's and depletes my ISP download allocation when it switches to music and animations. The address is:



I go to post my email, and your server reponds:-

Suspected cracking attempt. Your email was not sent.


Thank you very much! Yet again I am unimpressed, I have lost severasl messages to you trying to do the right thing because of your hard to read securty. I wear strong glasses that need replacing, and even maginfying the crazy script I have problems when the Hay Fever is playing up, and that's a lot of the time, and why I have not been able to replace my old glasses.





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