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Nights are too bright


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Hey everyone,


I'm still fairly new to Modding Skyrim and have gotten everything pretty much to my liking. I've been able to figure out most problems with load orders and which mods should overwrite others.. etc. But for the life of me I can't figure out why my nights are so bright! I'm using RealVision ENB 266b, Enhanced Night Skyrim, Darker_Caves_Dungenons_Ruins_Towers_nights, Realistic Nights, Skygazer Moons, Ultimate HD Fire Effects, Climates of Tamriel, Enhanced Lights and FX, Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch, Realistic smoke and embers (and a few others that I don't think would affect the night) as well I have even tried Mike Foxs Darker Nights with no change.

Lighting inside houses, halls, taverns all seem fine. As do most caves and dungeons, it's just the land at night that doesn't seem to change at all. Any and all help is welcome!


As a side-note, would this mod combination also make it rain a lot more than it normally would in the vanilla game? It seems like I didn't see a sunny day until a week of playing.



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I run only RealVision ENB with Climates of Tamriel and have dark nights. I have Climates of Tamriel set at vanilla nights.

It may be one of your other mods creating a conflicted.


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Okay I tried removing all my mods, starting a brand new save and only putting in RealVision ENB with Climates of Tamriel And still the same problem. Things got weird as I deleted all the files in my games folder and Skyrim folder and started from scratch... and once again the same thing. So I started a new character for testing purposes and finally the night got super dark! So I re-installed all my mods, loaded this tester character with all of them loaded and the nights were pitch black. So I loaded my main character (Thankfully the save didn't get corrupted) and the night was a little darker but not too dark... so I have come to the conclusion some nights aren't dark and some are super dark.


Thanks all for the help!!

Edited by mmarlatt
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I have tried everything. I've changed the darkness settings in both CoT and the CoT patch. Tried every possible load order I can think of and the same story every time. Climates of Tamriel does nothing to the night's brightness!

Realistic nights seems to change the brightness but it stops working the moment I wait 24 hours. It's so frustrating!

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