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Oblivion Child Race!


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I think it would be pretty neat to have an aging character. Maybe every 100 hours of game play or something the body model could be replaced when you sleep :tongue: (I think this would be pretty cool, but may not be possible to make, although it may be as I know there is a mod to switch bodies for HGEC). I am not asking a request, just stating an idea :sweat:. As for your mod, it looks really well done. Reminded me of Fable :thumbsup:

Is 100 hours really that long in Oblivion time? I thought it would be a year or two tops... Not to mention stunted aging through vampirism, etc.


That is true :laugh:

Maybe there could be multiple body age related changes, at like 2-3 year growth increments. It would be really cool if someone made this idea, as it would be like virtually growing up :biggrin:. (I am sure many others have thought this up before me :happy: )



Hinigashi, I forgot to give you kudos on this. There are so many possibilities with this mod.

Edited by tttttt
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I think it would be pretty neat to have an aging character. Maybe every 100 hours of game play or something the body model could be replaced when you sleep :tongue: (I think this would be pretty cool, but may not be possible to make, although it may be as I know there is a mod to switch bodies for HGEC). I am not asking a request, just stating an idea :sweat:. As for your mod, it looks really well done. Reminded me of Fable :thumbsup:


oh im sure there is a way, with a lot of scripting lol ^^ Thanks!

Edited by hinigashi
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I manually changed my character appearance to add a little age, weathering and hair length to him. Other npc characters don't age though so having you grow really old would be weird.

Well, if you're playing as a vampire, that fact would be moot, as if you don't drink blood, you begin to decay anyway. Also, if you're playing as some kind of immortal or celestial, either through actual mods or just RPing, you wouldn't age either.
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This looks good! Keep up the good work! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif


Thanks ^^, I just Hope it attracts the right people.. but thats wishful thinking i guess ;/



There will always be some who don't use things for the purpose they were intended, but there will obviously be plenty who will use it for the right purpose.


At any rate, have a kudos.

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This looks good! Keep up the good work! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif


Thanks ^^, I just Hope it attracts the right people.. but thats wishful thinking i guess ;/



There will always be some who don't use things for the purpose they were intended, but there will obviously be plenty who will use it for the right purpose.


At any rate, have a kudos.


Thank you sir ^^

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