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Oblivion Child Race!


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I downloaded Boss and had it sort my load order, banged my head against the wall a few times. Looked at Wyre Bash and was even able to install my load order to match the same as my old save games. Yet the heads still won't show. In fact most of the meshes won't show unless I have something equipped (if I do not have on gloves no hands), no shoes, not feet.

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All I can suggest is to start out with just the vanilla game and then install Children of Cyrodiil (linked it just to be certain we are talking about the same mod). If it works correctly with just CoC then start adding your other mods and test in between. If it's a mod conflict it will be easy to figure out where the problem crops up.


This method won't allow you to use your old saves for testing (it is possible your old saves will work without all of the mods those saves depend on, but it's more likely that they won't ... depending on what mods your saves depend on). You will probably want to start a new game without any mods and go through the tutorial dungeon and exit the sewers. Make a save outside the sewers and use that as your testing save.


Another option that might show where the conflict is would be to use TES4Edit. When you run it with all your mods loaded it will show you which mods conflict, and which mods win the conflict. It's a powerful tool, but takes some study to learn how to use and interpret it's reports.


- Edit - Something I forgot to ask ... do you have this problem at all without Children of Cyrodiil?

Edited by Striker879
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It is just with the Children of Cyrodil mod. I can use my other mods even my other racial mods.


That is a diffrent children of Cyrodoil mod. That one is CoO while this one is Children of Cyrodil (the one which nobody can find anymore). I saved an archived all my install zips in case I ever have trouble looking for a mod. The bundle is the meshes, sound, textures, Childfrn of Cyrodil.esm, CoC NPCs and clothes.esp, Improved Child Clothing and Armor esp, and Improved Child Races.esp.


I have tried to use TES4Edit and I have seen some of the red reports. I also did try a fresh install with just using the mod and even deactivating the DLC (such as horse armor) so it is just the mods, however it doesn't work. The child races keep lacking having heads.

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OK ... I was involved with Emma's mod's beta testing, so I'm aware of some of the issues with it we ran into. That's what got me thinking maybe your trouble was with a different children mod.


The troubleshooting advice still stands. Yes it can be tedious going through a long mod list.


That's also where TES4Edit can be used to make getting to the root of the problem quicker. You can use it to find out exactly what records from which mods conflict by drilling down through the error reports to show the actual conflicting sub-records. You might be able to see a way to resolve the conflict then.


- Edit - It was a long time ago, but I once ran into a mod that had a similar "invisible parts" problem. Seems to me it was missing assets (can't recall for certain, but probably textures ... the game has differnt ways of showing different types of errors). I think I finally solved the problem by using the Construction Set to discover the problem (it was probably from back before I learned about TES4Edit and NifSkope ... another handy troubleshooting tool).

Edited by Striker879
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With this one I know the mods work because I used them back when the CoC project was active and as recently as last year. I know I didn't do a lot for it. Aside from the Oblivion Script Extender I believe I used Wyre Bash. I do see the head textures in the file, I am going to try a clean install, install this package only and wyre bash it. Then perhaps add on the other mods such as the unofficial oblivion patch.


Edit: However I might just end up going with the Taxabi race mod which is working easier. Though I always laughed in ESO's line of power of a Dadera prince with the mind of a child line while using this mod. :smile:


Edit2: Reinstalling the steam GOTY edition and then using this mode (with OBSE) worked. I'll try to add the unofficial oblivion patch on top of it. If so I am all set.


I want to thank you Striker for taking time out of your day to help me. I honestly had given it up by the time I posted here.

Edited by Zindelis
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For what it's worth, missing textures will cause the head to be visible but solid purple. What's missing in this case is the mesh files. If you are playing Oblivion on a linux or other unix system using 'wine', you can run into problems with installing the meshes to the proper directory due to the fact that Windows treats uppercase and lowercase letters in directory names as the same while Linux treats 'meshes' and 'Meshes' as two separate directories. In that case, the game engine takes the first version of the name it finds and ignores the other one.


Use a file browser to open the Oblivion 'Data' directory. Look to see if there is more than one meshes directory. Do the same thing for subdirectories. For the child meshes, there should be a subdirectory; Data->Meshes->Character->Child.


You may also need to install the 'invalidation- invalidated' mod for the game engine to look for addon meshes.

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