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Riding sidesaddle


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I remember back in the day, I played a female Prophet (sorta buffing mage light fighter...thing) in Lineage 2. One of the things that's stuck with me through the years since is that when I had her mount her lizard mount thing, instead of straddling the saddle like she was a cowgirl with jeans on, she rode sidesaddle. It looked rather nice and made me hnnng a bit.


This is a bit remarkable to me even now, since most of the MMOs I've played since STILL have female characters riding <insert mount(s) of epic and non-epic variety here> as if they were cowgirls riding around on their faithful steed, regardless of what they're wearing.


It also extends to most of the few single-player RPGs I've played for any amount of time --- including Oblivion.



So er, I guess what I'm asking for is graceful, ladylike mount, ride and dismount animations. Or even just a ride animation would do. My character is generally in a shortish, frilly skirts, I don't want her showing her panties to the world every time she needs to get somewhere quick. S'just not proper :\

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Wouldn't work too well. Sidesaddle is, I believe, rather impracticle, expecially given that your Oblivion character will be using a horse for going from one end of Cyrodiil to the other, not going for pretty rides in the countryside.


Besides, I believe the game engine uses only one animation for horseriding, so every horserider would wind up sidesaddle, including those big, beefy Impeiral Legion types.

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I'm pretty sure armor that consists of some leather bits held together by twine and double-sided tape is impractical too. However, 60%+ of female armor on the Nexus consists of just that.


MAO shifts standard animations to a special folder for NPC use; I would be surprised if horseback animations weren't able to be reassigned in this way...

...and even if not, I don't much mind if the Imperial Legion soldiers have the need to feel pretty :v it's not like the countryside is crawling with them anyway.

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I have indeed seen that mod...it just didn't click in my brain that it was exactly the same sort of thing. Good to know it's possible and actually comes out with better results than replacing say, player animations.


Looking in the CS, it looks like it's a fairly simple thing to make a custom rideable creature. And there's at least one tutorial that I've seen, so one could make a riding horse/pig/cat/wolf/giraffe/etc somewhat easily.


So...just need the animations.

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A rideable pig? But pigs don't exist in Tamriel.


Sidesaddle would be an interesting addition, however impractical for high speed riding. I don't think bouncing boob physics are a very helpful addition to horse riding personally, but they seem to have found their niche still.

Edited by majikmonkee
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