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Between new characters..


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That really depends. If I find a very cool mod and the character I'm playing at that moment isn't THAT great, I could start over. But always with a different type. I won't quite with a thief to start with another thief with some extra mods.


I'm going to start a pure mage again soon. Right now I'm playing a unarmed/unarmored character, with OOO 1.3. I'm going to uninstall the mod and start fresh.

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I have 154 hrs on my first character. I'm not sure I'm finished with him since there hasn't been any resolution to his life yet. He is a Redguard and he's balanced between combat, magic, and stealth. I just got the urge to start a straight combat melee character.

I have 109 hrs on my Nord fighter now. He's just starting the main quest at level 30. I hope to finish the main quest with him.

Maybe a female pure mage is next. A beautiful and evil Altmer mage would be fun.

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My first character was a combat Redguard. About 80 hours, level 25.


Second was a female archer orientated. About 100 hours, level 27.


Third was female pure Mage. About 30 hours, level 26.


Fourth is an evil evil evil combat/magic Daemon, 2 hours, level 2. Planing to join the Mythic Dawn with this guy.


Next will be a Mace Orc.

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I got up to 300hrs and level 68 with my dumner assassin, but i got bored then; after all, he did finish every quest in the game, and i mean that, i've got the guide i did every quest.


Then i made the Kahjiit Archer, lvl 10ish, then got bored. Now i've got my imperial knight, up to lvl3 and just finished the main quest.

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I dont think I got very many hours in because I only got up to about level 22 or so, but it took me almost 3 or 4 months to make a new character. I quit playing Oblivion for a while and went back to Morrowind and my mod.
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Ive got one character at about level 40 warrior mage, one level 30 mage thief, one level20 thief Vampire and just started a mage high elf as a male character.

The other level 1 male is just a clothes horse (snicker). I find myself bored round level 30

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