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The Dragonborn, who do you think it is?


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We know that Uriel had already sewn his share of the wild oats, so it could be another sibling of Martin's that even Uriel did not know about. Or Martin's knowledge of things Daedric might be the result of more than mere dabbling and he could have some half-Daedric dragonspawn out there somewhere. But whatever the tale of the origin, I agree that it will be the player character.
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The Septim line has had a lot of connections in Skyrim, so it is very likely that it is a child of Martin Septim/Tiber Septim or maybe even a "new" line of septims (i.e a forefather of Martin had offspring in Skyrim, but that was never revealed), that has lived on as normal folk until now, and somehow it has been revealed that this person is a Septim.


It may be a very important NPC in the game, but hopefully it is the player. That's what I liked in Morrowind; you were the neveravine, someone special, while in Oblivion, you are just another Hero, like in many other games.

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I agree with Zaldir. Being something special like in Morrowind was really nice. But you should have to work for it... like you did there. Because then, it really makes things feel "worth the while" if you work hard :)

Nice picture-tag-thing btw ;)

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Hmm... Maybe... And bear with me here.... Maybe it DOESN'T go forward in time. Could it possibly be that the Dragonborn is Tiber Septim, or any of his recent descendants?

Tiber Septim lore:



It makes sense, I think. It could be that the player aids him in a quest or his rise to fame, or that the player is a direct descendant, or works with one.


Just throwing that out there. Not everything has to move forward.

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No, this happens after the Oblivion Crisis. I was watching the premiere. They said it would happen, but the Oblivion Crisis stalled it until it was over. I hope the player is the Dragonborn...since thats what I've taken to calling myself in just about every game I've ever played where I had a name choice. If anyone doesn't realize it, I'm a bit obsessed with dragons and am glad an Elder Scrolls game is finally getting one where the player is at least referred to as the Dragonborn. Hopefully we get some draconic powers to go along with it.
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Maybe the Dragonborn is not just for the Septim's rein, but for the emperors in general. It would make sense if you became the new emperor after oblivion, if the character in Skyrim is the same as oblivion's.

If you read the book that was released, and if we are assuming that this game continues the storyline, then I doubt this considering there was a new leader or emperor if I remember the book correctly.

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No, this happens after the Oblivion Crisis. I was watching the premiere. They said it would happen, but the Oblivion Crisis stalled it until it was over. I hope the player is the Dragonborn...since thats what I've taken to calling myself in just about every game I've ever played where I had a name choice. If anyone doesn't realize it, I'm a bit obsessed with dragons and am glad an Elder Scrolls game is finally getting one where the player is at least referred to as the Dragonborn. Hopefully we get some draconic powers to go along with it.

in oblivion though, you arent the main guy, martin is

all you do is behind the scenes stuff so that martin can save everyone

so the dragonborn might not be the player... but i really really hope it is

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The term dragonborn, not only refers to memebers of the Septim line but to persons born within the imperial province; in Morrowind you are refered to as being 'dragonborn'. However, I personally believe you will play a descendant of Tiber Septim, as he was born on Atmora and live in Skyrim until joining the Colovians. I think you may be related to the Septim's, but the Nordic line and the throart priests of High Hrothgar will play some part in this game, well i hope at least.
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