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The Dragonborn, who do you think it is?


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The dragonborn is without a doubt not a decendent of Martin coz if he were he would be the emperor. I mean siriously if Martin really had a child then you think he wouldnt reveal that there is a rightful heir to the throne and that heir wouldnt claim his/her birthright? Besides in the ending cinematic Martin clearly states he is the last of the Septims.


However the dragonborn could be a Septim if he comes from a branch from the times of the 2nd era befor Tiber himself, meaning Tiber could have had cousines whos descendants exist in the timeline of skyrim.

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I understand the Martin's bastard son bit, but you have to take into account, this is two-hundred years after Oblivion. Perhaps it is the son of the son of the bastard son of the bastard son?


But by then the lines of ancestry would be so blurred that it wouldn't even matter...


Flavor lore makes my head asplode.


Edit: Also, to the poster above, it is (without a doubt) totally possible that Martin might not have any knowledge that he sired a child of his own, having been the traveler he seemed to have been.

Edited by Duke Baronknight
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