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The Dragonborn, who do you think it is?


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Haven't read the whole thread, but here is my theory:

The daedric forces find another way to slip into the mortal realm, not necessarily a massive invasion as in oblivion, but still in considerable amounts. What their intentions are is unknown, but they are obviously up for no good.

You goal in the main quest will be to restore the Dragonfires and became the new dragonborn; In order to this you'll need to perform a ritual that involves killing a dragon (I'm sure we'll have to face some sort of ancient dragon at some point), either to use it's blood or something similar. This will give you the means to stop this new daedric invasion.

You won't share any blood connection or whatsoever with the Septim Dynasty.


I'd like to clarify that this isn't what I would like to see, it's just what I think the game might be about.

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Haven't read the whole thread, but here is my theory:

The daedric forces find another way to slip into the mortal realm, not necessarily a massive invasion as in oblivion, but still in considerable amounts. What their intentions are is unknown, but they are obviously up for no good.

You goal in the main quest will be to restore the Dragonfires and became the new dragonborn; In order to this you'll need to perform a ritual that involves killing a dragon (I'm sure we'll have to face some sort of ancient dragon at some point), either to use it's blood or something similar. This will give you the means to stop this new Daedric invasion.

You won't share any blood connection or whatsoever with the Septim Dynasty.


I'd like to clarify that this isn't what I would like to see, it's just what I think the game might be about.


I hope it's not this, as I am getting a little tired of massive armies of Daedra - I think they should do as in Morrowind to Oblivion; change the main storyline to a totally different one. :)

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I hope it's not this, as I am getting a little tired of massive armies of Daedra - I think they should do as in Morrowind to Oblivion; change the main storyline to a totally different one. :)



"You should have acted, they are already here. The elder scrolls told of their return.

Their defeat, was mearly a delay. By the time after oblivion opened and the sons of skyrim will spill their own blood, but no one wanted to believe, believe they would exist[...] But, There's one they fear. In their tongue, he's Dovahkiin: Dragon Born!"


So, the new menace isn't precisely new as the third sentence suggest, they were defeated already, but that only managed to delay them and not completely stop them as it was believed. Another thing suggested by trailer is that there is going to be war or maybe some sort of civil war within the province. And finally, the name Dovahkiin sounds Daedric and if there is something the Daedroth fear is the power of the dragonfires.

Then again, there is one line in the trailer that throws my theory down

"but no one wanted to believe, believe they would exist"

Everyone knows about the daedra, specially after the whole Mankar Camoran incident.

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Lich army, perhaps? Think of Daggerfall. Could happen. King of worms was defeated, yet encountered once more in Oblivion. Maybe Uriel Septim or some other (Pelagius?) was reincarnated... Ya never know until the release. :mellow:
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Lich army, perhaps? Think of Daggerfall. Could happen. King of worms was defeated, yet encountered once more in Oblivion. Maybe Uriel Septim or some other (Pelagius?) was reincarnated... Ya never know until the release. :mellow:


That's a good one indeed.

But now I'm leaning toward the possibility of a completely new enemy to the game series, one that the player has never had the chance to see, but that already exist in the lore. I'll go back later after doing some in-depth research with more theories :D.

This is intrigue is getting rather exiting.

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I just realized that it is as obvious as it could have been!! It is a Dragon Invasion. As you can see in the trailer, there are a lot of dragons on that wall, and this is a race of creatures that many won't know existed. But I think the game starts off with a war between Skyrim and another Province (hence the "...the sons of skyrim will spill their own blood..."), then the dragons come.


Have you ever encountered a big-sized dragon in the TES Games, apart from Akatosh?

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It seems I misheard a little. I thought he said the sons of Tamriel will spill their own blood, but it seems he says the sons of Skyrim...

So, it will have to be a war between the "clans" in Skyrim, and an invasion of dragons.. :)

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I doubt that the player will be the "Dragonborn".

Since in all TES games (for me 3 and 4, i haven't played 1,2 so i may be wrong)the player can choose a race. But in the teaser the Dragonborn is shown as human.

And if i did understand your talk here, that the Septims were Dragonborn, i do not remember seeing any one of them non human.

We shall wait and see...

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