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The Dragonborn, who do you think it is?


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Another problem with being an reincarnation is that you can choose between 10 races, and the fact you brought fourth that you can be both male and female.


So if we were to have specific alternations in the Main quest, we would need 20 different, which seems unlikely. I am hoping for the same as we've always gotten: a nameless character, with absolutely no specific background! :)

Would be cool to be a descendant of Akavir though. (But then again, if you are a nameless character with no specific background, you can be a descendant of Akavir! :P )

A reincarnation is an embodiment in a new form, meaning it can be any gender or race because the spirit is the same. The body changes but the spirit will always remain the same. This makes it possible!

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Another problem with being an reincarnation is that you can choose between 10 races, and the fact you brought fourth that you can be both male and female.


So if we were to have specific alternations in the Main quest, we would need 20 different, which seems unlikely. I am hoping for the same as we've always gotten: a nameless character, with absolutely no specific background! :)

Would be cool to be a descendant of Akavir though. (But then again, if you are a nameless character with no specific background, you can be a descendant of Akavir! :P )

A reincarnation is an embodiment in a new form, meaning it can be any gender or race because the spirit is the same. The body changes but the spirit will always remain the same. This makes it possible!


I wonder how thing would come up if the dragonborn was to reincarnate in a mud crab.

Now that would be an interesting twist to the plot.

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Seems to me to simply be an order of Nords

Who do you think the player you play is as in singular not plural? My guess tells me Tiber! What do you think, beyond it being an order of Nords? Good answers diserves kudos!!

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I R teh Dragonborn!!


my mommy is a dragon...


my daddy is a dragon...


('''\( ',.:.,' )/''') RawwRRRR

I like your pic of a tiger. But a dragon would have been better!! LOL!!!

"Dovahkiin rolls a six, tigerkiin rolls a three....Dovakiin wins!!"

p.s. I'm glad a dragon family adopted you tigerborn,... I really am!!

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The player is the Dragonborn Todd Howard confirmed this. Second Ysmir is the nordic aspect of Talos like the Khajiits have Alkosh which is Akatosh but the Khajiits call him the Dragon King of Cats/ God of time and Sheggorath who is Sheogorath but is called the Skooma Cat. Each race has their own interpretation of the gods or don't believe in them. I'm talking about general populace because some Dunmer didn't even worship the Tribunal, the Nerevarine is technically the Incarnate and a reincarnation of Nerevar. The Dragonborn is picked by the gods I believed at first you were the reincarnation of Reman Cyrodiil, Tiber Septim, or St. Alessia, but as the Dragonborn was picked by the gods it won't be. Unless, the gods choose you to be a reincarnation of one of them. Good lore discussing by the way.
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The player is the Dragonborn Todd Howard confirmed this. Second Ysmir is the nordic aspect of Talos like the Khajiits have Alkosh which is Akatosh but the Khajiits call him the Dragon King of Cats/ God of time and Sheggorath who is Sheogorath but is called the Skooma Cat. Each race has their own interpretation of the gods or don't believe in them. I'm talking about general populace because some Dunmer didn't even worship the Tribunal, the Nerevarine is technically the Incarnate and a reincarnation of Nerevar. The Dragonborn is picked by the gods I believed at first you were the reincarnation of Reman Cyrodiil, Tiber Septim, or St. Alessia, but as the Dragonborn was picked by the gods it won't be. Unless, the gods choose you to be a reincarnation of one of them. Good lore discussing by the way.

I definitely like your way of thinking!! kudos!!

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The player is the Dragonborn Todd Howard confirmed this. Second Ysmir is the nordic aspect of Talos like the Khajiits have Alkosh which is Akatosh but the Khajiits call him the Dragon King of Cats/ God of time and Sheggorath who is Sheogorath but is called the Skooma Cat. Each race has their own interpretation of the gods or don't believe in them. I'm talking about general populace because some Dunmer didn't even worship the Tribunal, the Nerevarine is technically the Incarnate and a reincarnation of Nerevar. The Dragonborn is picked by the gods I believed at first you were the reincarnation of Reman Cyrodiil, Tiber Septim, or St. Alessia, but as the Dragonborn was picked by the gods it won't be. Unless, the gods choose you to be a reincarnation of one of them. Good lore discussing by the way.

I definitely like your way of thinking!! kudos!!



Thank you and for so many good posts I'll give you one too.

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