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"Immersive" Trophy Collecting: New Decapitated Models for Skyrim Creatures


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There are already mods that allow you to loot skulls of fallen enemies, but it's immersion breaking when the heads on the models remain on the body. It's possible with scripts to remove an NPC's or Hagraven's head from their body, but not for trolls or dragons, because unlike Hagravens they lack headless versions. This would be a huge undertaking, but it would be cool if it were possible.

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I'm currently creating plugins for the Predator custom races, which is why I brought it up, but now that you mention it, we are talking about some rather dark stuff here! I know that what you said is possible, as I've already got a working script that removes heads of man/mer NPCs for said plugin.


Decapitation works for NPCs by having them equip this "decapitated head" helmet, but for creatures it is different. For the Glenmoril Hagravens there is a special headless version that is scripted to replace the old intact body when their head is looted for an associated quest. It would be so much simpler if creatures could just wear the decapitated head helmet, because with the Hagraven method the old body vanishes, and this headless one appears out of nowhere. It's like some kind of horror show, but if headless creature meshes were made, then that is how it will likely be implemented.

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There are other applications this could be used for as well. What about simple trophy hunting? Even if you couldn't literally mount a wolf/deer/bear/etc animals head on your own wall, this would be a cool addition to something like Hunterborn. You could have the ability to loot animal's heads, take them as Arannor suggested and clean the skull in a cooking pot by combining it with other taxidermy ingredients. Then you take the skull to the tanning rack and combine it with leather and the appropriate antlers, teeth, hide, and firewood for a mount. When completed, depending on the quality of the product, the mount should be very valuable, giving you a monetary reason to hunt.

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Not only are these ideas very possible, but I agree they have a potential to be widely useful to people. The only thing stopping this taxidermy idea from being realised for most Skyrim creatures is again the lack of a convincing art assets. Right now, this can be applicable to any creature in the game we already have skulls for. I can imagine that for trolls for example, we can simply create a duplicate troll skull, then re-texture it to be bloody. With the raw skull use the cooking pot to clean it, then process it at the tanning rack as you say. For a sabrecat though, we have no recourse but for somebody to actually create a new skull mesh.

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Definitely liking the sound of this. My favorite character to play right now is my hunter; I don't play him as the Dragon born but just my immersion based character. It's relaxing to get lost in the woods and mountains and little more simple life in the game, hunting for my food and selling the products of my adventures. I don't Need a mod like this, but it's a mod I'd love to have just for the immersiveness
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  On 4/11/2015 at 12:49 PM, ArannorTreeStrider said:

There are already some animal skulls through the game. Deer, mammoth, wolf (one of the totems of Hircine is a wolf skull), dragon (a standalone model in Dragonsreach).


Maybe the author of the following mod (Beast Skeletons) would give permission to use the skulls from their mod


in the description it says it can be used as a modders resource. just shoot them a pm and mention her in the credits of the eventual mod

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