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Doesn't use Gamebryo


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It may still be moddable (or not), but if it is, it will most probably be harder to mod than Oblivion and Morrowind, since the GameBryo engine is the most mod-friendly engine there is...

Ditching GameBryo is a good move. Its lack of things like directional lighting was excusable when Oblivion came out, but in the year of Our Lord two-thousand and ten, it's beyond ridiculous.


Also, Gamebryo is only "mod-friendly" in the sense that it's easy to learn. Engines like Source and CryEngine might have a steeper learning curve, but they also give you much more robust control over the game; Gamebryo, by comparison, is pretty limited. Personally, I'd be content to spend more time learning the new editor if it meant I could do cooler stuff with it.

Edited by Brianide
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Its lack of things like directional lighting

; Gamebryo, by comparison, is pretty limited.


Actually, Gamebryo does support directional lighting, and is actually a really good game engine. Bethesda just epically failed at using it correctly(for example, removing the physics system that comes with Gamebryo(Nvidia Physx) and replacing it with a crappy version of Havok)

Edited by jhardingame
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But will you still get rained on when you're standing underneath things? ;)


Which, once again, was due to BethSoft's fail use of the engine. Proof of that is the Morrowind Code Patch, which actually adds rain collision, so you DON'T get rained on when you stand under things.

BethSoft got pwnt with that one. :P

But who knows, maybe this new engine will have that feature.

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Good, Gamebryo is possibly the worst engine ever made, and I'm glad they are finally ditching it.


Such a crappy engine that Bethesda made 2 or 3 of the best games ever with it. I really don't understand how everyone can bash it to the extent they do.


Read my above 2 posts. Good engine, but Bethesda failed with using it(if you see other games developed on Gamebryo, you can see why.) ;D

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