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IE 9 Double Posting BUG!!


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HellsMaster double-banned for using a buggy version of Internet Explorer

Wait... does that mean you're using IE9 too?

No, I use Firefox. It was tautology....Internet Explorer is designed to be buggy and proprietary...thus "buggy version" of "Internet Explorer" is saying the same thing twice. ;) e.g. Using IE is using a buggy browser. hehehe.

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They have been saying they are trying to take steps in the right direction for a long time but:


1. They are always insignificant steps.

2. It goes against their business model.

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From the little I've read, IE9 sounds like it might be a step in the right direction for IE, as opposed to the last few versions. Of course, I'll still reserve judgement for a while. ;)

A wise man once said, "you can't polish s***".

Just get Opera, Chrome, or Firefox.

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Hear, hear. Or Safari.


Although...Firefox I am finding a little quirky. A certain online banking site which I frequent hates the latest version of it, but works fine with Chrome,so I'd recommend the OP install Firefox and one of the others as well.

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Ok, i thus shall go for Chrome.. and thanks for the ban Connan :o



Don't mind him, he keeps banning people like that nowadays. (between you and me, I think he's been working to much lately , ughmm... :sleep: )

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