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Skyrim modding in 2015 still not as good as oblivion modding in 2010?


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Its new integrated technology. Its 1000% more powerful but its integration was weak from beth. Devs make mistakes as well, you know.
That also means, the next TES is gonna take the best from Skyrim and leave out the worst learned from it.


Why is the question:

Skyrim modding in 2015 still not as good as oblivion modding in 2010?

and not:

Why is there no OOO or FCON for skyrim? xD


Cuz... im reading 8 pages of...


Everyone else:

Everything related to your arguments, statements and true objective comparisons and reasonable subjective opinions. xD

Edited by theimmersion
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Its new integrated technology. Its 1000% more powerful but its integration was weak from beth. Devs make mistakes as well, you know.

That also means, the next TES is gonna take the best from Skyrim and leave out the worst learned from it.


Yeah, hopefully, as long as they ditch x360 and ps3. fingers crossed.

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Its new integrated technology. Its 1000% more powerful but its integration was weak from beth. Devs make mistakes as well, you know.

That also means, the next TES is gonna take the best from Skyrim and leave out the worst learned from it.


Yeah, hopefully, as long as they ditch x360 and ps3. fingers crossed.


Rather meh. If they make better ports and actually add mod support for consoles so those guys can enjoy what we enjoy on PC, that would be nice.

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Ok, just one simple thing im gonna tell you.

When 10 ppl tell you that your wrong or doing something wrong, chances are, your wrong. Its that simple. xD


You are being subjective on a matter that has no room for that kind of view in this post with its original question.

If you dont know how to do this, dont do it. Leave it to people that do.


Its ok, you just simply like Oblivion and its mods more. Thats perfectly fine. Its awesome.

But looks like your brain cant distinguish some things.

You just simply like Oblivion more, and face it, what ever happened to Skyrim, you would not like it, and its normal.

You just like something more and you need to finally realize that.

People in this post right now, as far as i could tell, have a problem with you (indirectly ofc) because your trying to convince them that things in Oblivion arent there in Skyrim when they actually are.

Nobody likes that. Its like, im looking at a blue wall but you keep convincing me that its yellow.

Thats a bad thing to do and people gonna react.


You want your answer?

Here, you just want an easy way out. You want all the best mods in one package for Skyrim, one thing to install and be done.

Well, thats gone now. As i can tell from other posts, thats the mod your talking about for Oblivion but it was necessary because of compatibility.

Now, there is more compatibility than ever. So no need for huge mods that are essentially mod compilations.

Most often than not, compatibility comes down do the author now.

Thats why there arent huge mods that basically include all the major mods out there so they could work.

If that was the case with Obl, it would be the same with the mods that you complain about.

Just tells that you dont know how to mod and want an easier solution. And that ok. I want that as well. We all do. Everyone wants it simple if its possible and plausible. And its ok to lack knowledge, its aweful to ignore the lack of knowledge.


Sadly, im pretty sure your gonna try and counter that, even tho its impossible. Its 8 pages now, and each and every one of your agruments dont come to the question you actually asked.

Because, you never actually given even a close resemblance of an objective point as to what a good mod is. Its subjective in it self.

If you look closer to the post question, it isnt really a question, it just has a question mark on the end. Its a statement.

Each and every page is simply one mod that you keep dragging in. Or the collection of mods or what ever those few mods are you keep mentioning actually are.

You want those mods for Skyrim, simple as that, and there are mod like that that surpass it as far as i saw from posts.

The thing here is, its not one package, its multiple. First you argued there arent mods like that, than when showed, you argued there are too many to install.

Now you say its compatibility issues. And lastly now, its papyrus that is the problem. If i had all those problems, id mentioned them all from the start.

You just randomly list any and all potentially negative things skyrim has. Not once taking in account one, not even one positive things about skyrim. And theres at least, at least one good thing. At absolute least one. So its not Skyrim thats the problem here. There is no problem here. You just dont like Skyrim for reasons unknown to you (thats the oddity here). Because i can without ever changing my statement tell you why i like Fallout 3 more than Fallout New Vegas but thats entirely subjective taste. And i cant say that FONV s*cks because i like FO 3 more. I can say what i like and hate about FO 3 and FONV and why i like one more then the other.

And if i get a reply that differes from mine, its not an argument and its not a counter statement, its shared opinions and thoguhts and tastes.

You cant argue for people having a different taste and likes. Thats insane. xD


Well, in any case, GL with this.... what ever it actually is... what ever the actual agenda of this post is. xD

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Nowadays in skyrim theres way too many mods that do the same thing or compete with eachother. that means if you find a mod you like that you just have to cross your fingers you didnt just waste 10 hours installing a ton of mods based on that original mod once you come across another mod you want to use that is incompatible with your current overhaul, and now you have to base your installation around another overhaul if you want to use it etc. No issues at all with oblivion regarding this. Even Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul, which has been mentioned earlier, and is a fantastic mod which i use myself, is compatible with FCOM. FCOM + Maskars works quite well.

A) This is why you research your mods, and also you have to consider that these are independent mods made by independent modders. Yes, s#*! will conflict. Deal with it.


B) MOO and FCOM are compatible largely because FCOM is significantly older and more established, and does not rely hugely on scripting to do its work. Its work is done through a bajillion ESP files cluttering up your load order. MOO on the other hand is almost certainly one of the most incredibly feats of scripting in all of Oblivion modding. Maskar is a scripting genius and has managed to make Oblivion and OBSE do things that people swore up and down couldn't be done dynamically in game. MOO works around and with the FCOM content, disabling things that conflict and integrating things together.

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I was going to join this rant (let's face it, it is a rant) but Immersion's previous post kinda did it for me.


All the the same, I can longer tell if this is a discussion about the differences between skyrim or Oblivion modding scene or a verbal w*@k between veteran Modders.


I maybe new to creating mods but I am certainly not new to gaming. Let's just say that I remember space invaders when it first came out!


Anyway my point is; does it really matter?

Does it matter that Kevin from Deansgate is making mods featuring scantily clad vixens protected by nothing other than a tooth pick whilst veteran Harold is designing furniture?


No is the answer. Variety is the spice of life!


I'll say this with respect, and I mean it sincerely, times have changed. Modding is far more accessible than it was before. Now we can all make mods.. but this is ultimately thanks to all of those who have gracefully shared their knowledge and paved the way.


Honestly I don't know whose right in this discussion, perhaps everyone is. All I know is that given the tools, people can do extraordinary things. And let's face it, people ARE doing extraordinary things in Skyrim and have done in Oblivion. Although whether skyrim is really comparable to the Oblivion modding scene who can really say?


I guess ultimately, perhaps we should distinguish the differences between playing a modded game and creating mods for a game if this discussion is ever gonna reach a verdict.


Whatever the outcome, I for one am happy to be able to play and create.

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You hear about people complaining about Papyrus issues largely because they are completely and totally ignorant about Papyrus.


You absolutely can and probably have experienced scripting conflicts in Oblivion.


Please give one example of a Papyrus conflict that you have experienced so that we can examine that specific case and determine what the issue is and whether it is truly new because of Papyrus or if the same issue was entirely possible in Oblivion.


You have once again shifted the goalposts. Now the issue is that there are too many mods that all do the same thing and you can't decide which you like best. That's wholly different from your original complaint that Skyrim mods are not good.


And again, there is no one mod that does what OOO did for Oblivion. OOO collected the most popular mods at the time plus some personal changes from the author. As this is no longer necessary due to improvements in the CK and Papyrus' clear superiority over TESScript, you can now download and install those mods that you want. OOO has been replaced by dozens of mods, each far more expansive than OOO ever was in their particular niche. Immersive Weapons, Immersive Armor, and Immersive Creatures add more weapons, armor, and creatures than OOO. PerMa makes more thorough changes to the levelling system and combat mechanics. Etc.


Although I maintain that sheer number of changes is a silly metric for determining which mod is "better."

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I'm going to say again, people keep saying that mods that do the same thing that FCOM does for skyrim exists, so as ive said repeatedly, please show me, nobody has shown me yet. i want to know what those mods are so that i can use them. If you are referencing the post i made listing my issues with skyrim, and then the one where lofgren insults me and assumes i havent checked catagories and the most endorsed mods, then no, ive already used those. Deadly Dragons, Dragon Combat overhaul, Ultimate combat, Duel, SkyRe, Immersive Creatures, Monster Mod, Immersive Armor, Immersive Weapons, Omagered99 armor compilation, Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, Moonpath to elsweyr, moon and star, undeath, fight against the thalmor, helgen reborn, interesting npc's, inconsequential npc's, OBIS, Salem....the list goes on.


I never intended this to be an argument.


Edit for lofgrens new post as i was about to post this one: If there is no one mod that does what OOO did for Oblivion, then obviously there is a need for one, because trying to combine 200 skyrim mods together to equate to one FCOM always results in crash city for me. (and by the way, on top of FCOM you still have about 200 more esp slots to mod your game even better)



Papyrus issues? Locational damage for one. nobody has come up with a mod that does the same thing and isnt buggy yet. deadly combat has a dumbed down version that isnt as good as what locational damage sets out to do. Every time i get unexplained crashes, even after i have done merged patches BY HAND, FOR HOURS AND HOURS to resolve every single conflict between mods, i have to assume its papyrus, what else do i have to go on, especially when thats what everyone complains about in skyrim? And lastly, its not an issue in oblivion, oblivion is still playable with that amount of mods. So, i dont know. I'm coming at this from a mod users standpoint that knows his way around tes4edit/fo3edit/fonvedit/tes5edit. Papyrus is a brand new bag of worms for skyrim where there is no user tool to figure out conflicts in that realm.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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