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Skyrim modding in 2015 still not as good as oblivion modding in 2010?


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Enemy variety and difficulty in skyrim are huge issues though. Enemy variety for example is worse than oblivion, like 11 creatures in the vanilla game?


And skyrim was way too easy in my opinion.


And Nephenee seeing as you say you didn't like OOO i'm guessing you haven't played FCOM either because FCOM is much more than "more enemies and harder game", it adds tons of new content including (of course weapons and armor) and quests as well. something skyrim is lacking on.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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Enemy variety and difficulty in skyrim are huge issues though. Enemy variety for example is worse than oblivion, like 11 creatures in the vanilla game?


And skyrim was way too easy in my opinion.


And Nephenee seeing as you say you didn't like OOO i'm guessing you haven't played FCOM either because FCOM is much more than "more enemies and harder game", it adds tons of new content including (of course weapons and armor) and quests as well. something skyrim is lacking on.


God I know what is in FCOM because FCOM fans wouldn't f***ing shut up about it, even after being told you aren't interested in it.


Also do you have any idea how many times I was asked for an FCOM DMRA armor conversion? Hint: It was a lot


You need to really cut it out with the hyperbole when it comes to what Skyrim is lacking, it pretty much makes your arguments completely disingenuous. (also there are definitely monster overhauls for Skyrim. Have you even checked any of them out?)


Edit: Also I did have Frans installed for a while, but removed it and replaced with with Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul, which I found to be a far more elegant solution to a lot of what Oblivion was lacking.

Edited by Nephenee13
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Your comments suggest you haven't even bothered to visit the Most Endorsed page.


At this point I'm pretty sure you are just trolling.


If you are seriously looking for mods to make dragon fights harder, presumably you would have typed "dragon" into the search bar and found both Dragon Combat Overhaul and Deadly Dragons.


If you are looking for more creatures, presumably you would have gone to the Animals, Creatures, Mounts, and Horses section and found Immersive Creatures and Monster Mod.


If you are looking for more places to go and more quests, then it would require studied obliviousness to miss Falskaar and Wyrmstooth.


The closest thing to a complete overhaul for Skyrim is Requiem, but the OOO model of modding has largely been supplanted by a "small footprint" model, where modders design their mods with options and settings that will allow them to integrate with other mods seamlessly. Remember all OOO was was a collection of the most popular mods at the time.


Also, let's remember that we're comparing Skyrim 2015 to Oblivion 2010. It's still not an entirely fair comparison because Skyrim has loads more competition, but maybe you remember how stable FCOM was in 2010. The answer is "Just barely." In 2010 it had been out of beta for just over a year and there were loads and loads of revisions yet to come.


If you want my opinion on why the OOO model went away and is not likely to come back, you can read it here:



Finally I don't know why you expect your system to be able to run Skyrim for more than 30 minutes when you have already stated that Oblivion crashes every thirty minutes.

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(To clarify, in skyrim i would get repeatable yet random crashes that i couldn't get around after certain points in my save, only specific to that character, such as stepping out of a dungeon and it crashes, when it didnt crash during the way inside that same dungeon etc. i never get repeatable crashes in oblivion. and for oblivion to crash every 30 minutes, thats extremely rare. it almost always goes for longer. skyrim was almost always 15 minutes until a crash, after a certain point.)


Lofgren, why do you keep looking to insult me at every turn? Obviously i have heard of those mods, and i have used them, ALL of them. I thought "And i'm well aware that for some of these things, there already are mods for skyrim that do it, such as the civil war overhaul, etc" would have indicated that, and also the fact that i've stated i have had 200 .esp skyrim installs in the past, not including tiny armor and weapon or hair or companion mods, so how would i even be able to overlook those, i dunno.


Id prefer if there was an OOO model mod for me to use, as my answer for that is in the post by the last poster in that thread you linked. "But that means I know what each mod does already, there's not a lot of surprise in that."


If i downloaded a crapload of little mods to equate to what OOO would do, it would already spoil it for me. I heard FCOM/OOO was great, and it was THE mod to use, looked at the gist of it, then installed. Everything else was a pleasant surprise. There are no mods that just add tons and tons of quests like OOO did and to a greater extent, and more focused on quests only, Kraganirs Death Quest, instead i have to download a bunch of individual quest mods that don't link together and they are already spoiled for me if i need to figure out what the mod does at all to ensure compatibility with the other quest mod i downloaded etc. FCOM is great because it all works together and then you don't need to download anything else because it covers everything, and if you do you will know if its incompatible or not because its such a popular mod. With skyrim, i can't just check mod compatibility by looking in Tes5edit like with other games, i have to worry about papyrus script conflicts which there is no easy way to check as far as i know. Like it has been said, crashes in oblivion are caused by one single faulty mod where as in skyrim most single mods wont crash you, but certain combinations of mods will. Well with skyrim needing you to download multiple different mods to equate one "OOO" mod, this is an issue.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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Obviously you would benefit from having a Mod Organizer custom profile prepared by a savvy sibling. Who knows, maybe we are not far away from actually sharing versioned sets of mods, vouched for their consistency and stability - 'cathedral vs bazaar', anyone remembers that? :)


But I still think your main problem are weak hardware, or bad tweaks, leading to annoying crashes. Crashes can ruin the game. With crashes, how would you be ever able to experience the exquisite sensation of coming upon the




I think the point that has been made about quality requirements for skyrim mods is a valid one. Oblivion quest mods like Kraginers Death Quest, all the quests added by OOO and better cities etc didn't need voice acting to be good really good, better than vanilla quests in some cases. they didn't need fancy textures. So why is that the case with skyrim? for example, this mod looks quite cool http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64651/? but if you read it says he had to change the ending to not fit the lore because the voice actor didn't send his stuff in time. really? why can't we just read text like we did in morrowind and oblivion (modded quests)? Its another indication of skyrims community of people that use the mods. Casual crowds gotta have voice acting or its a no go i guess, probably the same people that want flip jump animations, and sexy girl characters. thats not roleplaying, thats just eyecandy!


You mean, ear-candy? Working with voice audio is a lot of fun and I don't understand why ever would we make mods without it; it's not the case that we can express a widely dynamically-generated dialogue texts - and neither can we in Oblivion, afaik.


Just so happens that I played the mod you linked to, and let me assure you this is a minor issue (but then again, I can live without Shivering Isles stuff).

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I am savvy, and i use mod organizer. Skyrim is just much more unstable with mods than any other beth game. Perhaps i will give skyrim another go soon, with no graphics or ambience or tiny little tweak mods like adding birds and bugs i could live without whatsoever. maybe it wont crash and be buggy then. i have doubts though.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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I am savvy, and i use mod organizer. Skyrim is just much more unstable with mods than any other beth game. Perhaps i will give skyrim another go soon, with no graphics or ambience or tiny little tweak mods like adding birds and bugs i could live without whatsoever. maybe it wont crash and be buggy then. i have doubts though.


Not sure I agree, I personally have little issue with Skyrim CTDing or Freezing and never have. In Fallout / Oblivion I tended to crash a lot, but that may just have been due to not really knowing or caring about mod 'cleanliness' back then.

Edited by Arocide
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So now we are onto a completely different topic. You startee by complaining thqt there are no mods that do what FCOM does. It turns out this is because it is not necessary. Then you complained that there are no mods that add content like OOO. It turnd out this was false. Then you complained that there were no mods that made specific changes you were looking for. This also turned out to be a lie. Finally it turns out that your gripe is really just that nobody has done the work of putting all of the specific mods you want in one single download. (Or five, as the case may be.) Edited by lofgren
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Also there is no more reason to be concerned about Papyrus conflicts than Oblivion script conflicts. (In fact there is less, thanks to quest aliases and a few other features of Papyrus that weren't available until OBSE had been on the scene for about five years.) Edited by lofgren
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If there is no more reason to be concerned about papyrus conflicts than oblivion script conflicts then why is everyone talking about them in skyrim and i have never seen them mentioned or cause any issues in oblivion? And why do i actually get them in skyrim and not in oblivion (even when using more substantial mods in oblivion than in skyrim)?



Nowadays in skyrim theres way too many mods that do the same thing or compete with eachother. that means if you find a mod you like that you just have to cross your fingers you didnt just waste 10 hours installing a ton of mods based on that original mod once you come across another mod you want to use that is incompatible with your current overhaul, and now you have to base your installation around another overhaul if you want to use it etc. No issues at all with oblivion regarding this. Even Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul, which has been mentioned earlier, and is a fantastic mod which i use myself, is compatible with FCOM. FCOM + Maskars works quite well.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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