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[Resource for Scripters] Every Single Default Script (180), With Definitions

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COMPLETE Default Scripts List

(With Definitions)

Defaults scripts are pre-created and compiled scripts written by the Bethesda developers, made with the intention of saving the time of a modder spent writing scripts to perform common tasks. They can be added to any record by going to Scripts>Add, filtering by "default" and choosing one of the scripts to add. Often, they contain properties that should be filled in order for the script to function properly.


I've created an entire list of every single default script in the vanilla game, with definitions of what every single one (180 of them) do. Almost all of them include examples of how the script could be used.

I did approximately 170 of them in the past 2 days, since I was bored and felt like doing something productive. I opened every script as well as checking comments and the name to figure out what each did. There were 3 I didn't understand and several redundant scripts, though I provided definitions for some.

Thanks to exit, Paulibobo and Himeki for help on a few definitions (exit did about 10), and examples.

Since it's on the Wiki, the intention is that it will be improved. Hopefully it'll be helpful to some of ye scripters out there.

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I forgot to follow this thread, hence not replying.


Thank you all!


And no, darren, that's not why. Though I do have like 10 PM threads of helping people right now. I'm always hoping someone wants me for something other than my knowledge. YOU'RE ALL JUST USING ME. *cries*


Ehem... Anyhoo, thank ya!

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Hehe, well half the time I ask you for something I tend to plow into it with the full knowledge that I don't know what I am trying can't be done and therefore 90% of the time succeed in doing it sooo, TP would be proud I wager. It's the basis for magic after all, not knowing that it can't be done is the best way to do something

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for this! It's been invaluable for the past few days. Finally got around to building quests for my mod and I had almost no clue on scripting. Had some experience in C and very little C++ beforehand, but I was pretty much lost. I feel I have a decent grip on it now though. As I said, this post saved my day(s)! :)

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