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Script for a disquise?


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I have seen that mod, but it forces you to wear an entire outfit and also I think each outfit adds you to a different faction. I want something simpler that I can apply to a single item of clothing, like a shirt or a hood.


EDIT: ...or an amulet. I just had a thought, it would be funny if I downloaded the "equippable beards" and used one of them for a disguise. :laugh:

Edited by VictorCreed2
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SE is the Shivering Isles DLC. GetPlayerInSEWorld simply returns whether or not you are now in that world.


You can simply copy it or disregard it all together, depending on your tastes. It will work, eitherway (in Tamriel atleast).





Edited by GreatLucifer
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Okay, thanks. I'll just disregard that part for now.


I accomplished what I was trying to do by editing one of LFact's scripts and referencing the Grey Cowl for the crime gold part. It seems to be working correctly in-game.


What I did is make an item that has its own bounty, fame, and infamy. The fame and infamy always reset to zero with each use, but the bounty stays (so you have to pay your fine if you commit a crime while in disguise).


Here's what it looks like if anyone's interested:


ScriptName jpdisguise01

Float jpTempCrimeGold
Float jpTempInfamy
Float jpTempFame

Float jpPCCrimeGold
Float jpPlayerInfamy
Float jpPlayerFame

Begin OnEquip Player
set jpPCCrimeGold to Player.GetCrimeGold
set jpPlayerFame to GetPCFame
set jpPlayerInfamy to GetPCInfamy
if jpTempFame > 0
	set jpTempFame to 0
if jpTempInfamy > 0
	set jpTempInfamy to 0
Player.SetCrimeGold jpTempCrimeGold
setpcfame jpTempFame
setpcinfamy jpTempInfamy

Begin OnUnequip Player
set jpTempCrimeGold to Player.GetCrimeGold
set jpTempFame to GetPCFame
set jpTempInfamy to GetPCInfamy
Player.SetCrimeGold jpPCCrimeGold
setpcfame jpPlayerFame
setpcinfamy jpPlayerInfamy


I think it's done, but tell me if anything looks weird.

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