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Strange, blocky tree textures


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I've started having this annoying problem with trees. It's easier to see than to describe, so here is a screenie:




It looks like it might be the meshes somehow not loading properly... I'm not sure. has anyone come across this before?


It only happens with tree leaves, nothing else seems to be problematic.


Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

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To me, it would look like it was designed that way, as the pattern on the leaves is so... umm... regular? Are you perhaps using a tree texture replacer? Or a mod that retextures flora or otherwise changes trees? The hearts on the tree would also suggest you are using some sort of a replacer for something tree-related.


The meshes, however, look just fine. Or at least in my opinion...

Edited by PhilippePetain
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Yes, I can... It looks like a chessboard. Green chessboard. But it also looks like it was designed that way. So I thought that maybe a texture replacer could replace the textures with a pattern that looks like a chessboard. But perhaps not.


And that is where my knowledge ends. Perhaps Striker can assist you further. :smile:


Edit: And I apologise if I sounded rude... or ignorant. Or something like it. I just remembered there being a chessboard-like texture in a flora texture replacer, so I thought it could be a retexture rather than a problem. And also partially because of the hearts hanging on the tree in the picture.


Anyway, the texture replacer with a 'blocky' ground texture (hmm... so not actually tree texture...) is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41118/?


Hopefully the problem will be solved. It is not nice looking at such trees if one does not like them.


Edit 2: And it actually seems that the hearts are part of the texture. Not hanging on the tree... I really need to look more carefully the next time I look at something. Cannot see the forest from trees. Or something like it. Despite not actually being an appropriate phrase for the situation.

Edited by PhilippePetain
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That last picture on Lush and Gaudy (C Paradise) looks exactly like your tree Dahveed (look at the tree/shrub right in the middle of that picture ... same little heart shaped flowers). Philippe has nailed it, not I.

Edited by Striker879
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Yes PhilippePetain you are absolutely right. And don't worry you didn't come across as mean or anything, I appreciate your help, even if I didn't think you were right the first time.


Seems strange that the mod author would go for that strange look... not sure if it was intentional. That is indeed the mod I was using... It's just that I'd been using it for hundreds of hours on my playthrough, and I never noticed this until I got to Camoran's Paradise.


Does anyone know of a mod that can replace the trees in Paradise? This is the only place I've noticed this, so I guess it's not too bad. But I don't want to have to look at this again in any future playthroughs :P


Thanks for the help guys.

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Alright, thanks guys... I have everything figured out now. It was indeed that mod, however it was a LOT of other things as well. After 2 years of modding Oblivion, my folders were a complete mess!


After messing around thoroughly for over an hour I've cleaned things up, gotten my trees to look normal... and given myself a HUGE fps boost to boot. Who knew that trees could mess your game up this much?


Appreciate the help, cheers.

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Thank you. And you are welcome. Good that the problem was solved. Keeping the folders clean is difficult with Oblivion. Programs like Wrye Bash help, but they still copy things there. And the almighty Mod Organizer means lots of additional work to get Oblivion mods to work with it. And OBSE plugins still need to be copied to the actual directory... :(


Edit: Mod Organizer is not a bad choice for Oblivion, though. The additional work is mostly manually 'installing' some BAIN- or OBMM-targeted mods. Omods can be unpacked using OBMM and then manually 'installed'. The reason why it is not actually installing is that the mod has to be structured so that the mod's folder could ne manually installed by copying the contents to Data folder. But with MO, the 'ready' folder is placed in the folder where MO keeps its mods, not the actual game folder. OBSE plugins still need to be installed to the actual folder, though.


For example, I have my mods in 'D:\Modit - Oblivion\Mod Depository' and Mod Organizer in 'D:\Modit - Oblivion\Mod Organizer.' I have changed the mod location in MO to my custom directory, so all the mods are in the 'Mod Depository' in their own folders. For example, QTP3 is in 'Qarls Texture Pack 3' folder, which contains 'Meshes' and 'Textures' folders. And MO handles it perfectly. All the more complex mods need to be structured so that mod's folder (located in 'Mod Depository' in my case) contains what is to be placed in the ...Oblivion\Data folder. Simply packaged mods MO handles perfectly. Just OBSE plugins need to be in the actual folder. And MO is best to be used with Oblivion with only one MO profile, as the OBSE plugins persist in the actual folder.


So to make it short, MO works just fine with Oblivion, but the following needs to be remembered:

1. OBSE plugins need to be copied to the actual folder

2. OBSE plugins are therefore not handled by MO's profile swithing

3. All mods need to be structured simply (= 'manual installation ready')

4. Place mods in a custom folder (easier to update MO)

5. Launch everything through MO (hook did not work, at least in 1.3.3)

6. Point Wrye Bash to your MO profile folder for savegames

7. Using CSE produces error messages in MO (nothing serious, though)

8. OBMM crashes on exit when launched through MO

9. OBMM probably does not recognise MO's virtual data system

10. Overwrite folder will probably never be empty (nothing serious, though)

11. Always lock load oder in MO (unless using WB to sort order)

12. Check lockedorder.txt after installing and/or uninstalling a mod with plugin


And possibly something else I forgot. If the hook is fixed in an update, it will be possible to use the script extender workaround. I use the latest, although 'testing', version of MO (now 1.3.4) and it works just fine.


So MO does work, and keeps data folder clean (except for OBSE pugins), but requires additional work to have it work properly. It has drag and drop install order management and detects and colours file conflicts like Wrye Bash, too. At least Wrye Bash, TES4LODGen, TES4Edit, CS and CSE work through it, but OBMM has issues.


Plugins remaining in lockedorder.txt after they have been unistalled causes load order to change even when locked, which is not good, but removing the non-existing ones from lockedorder.txt fixes load order changing when it should not.


I would personally recommend MO for Oblivion mod management, but only for those who know what they are doing, know how to install BAIN/Omod packaged mods manually (restructure the folder) and wish to keep the Oblivion folder as clean as possible. It also makes making mods easier, as all resources can be kept in the same folder, and do not need to be actually copied to data folder, although modifying plugins with, for example, CS(E) moves them to MO's overwrite folder.


Hopefully that, too, helps. :)

Edited by PhilippePetain
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