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Problem taking screenshots


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So I've got this problem, don't know when it started, but I didn't used to have this problem, probably only started a few months ago I think. Basically, when I'm in-game and I try and take a screenshot (by pressing the printscreen button), it fails about 80% of the time.. :confused: Instead, this is how my screenshots turn out:






But it's not every time, as I said, about 20% of the time it works fine and I get a normal looking screenshot. :blink: Anyone have any idea what the problem might be, or what I could do to try and fix it? Thanks

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Try taking a screenshot by pressing F12. When you do and next exit the game, or it crashes, a window will appear from Steam showing the new screenshots and you have a choice to upload them to Steam servers.

Tried F12 - didn't do anything. I have the steam overlay disabled for Skyrim though so I think that's why it doesn't work. Or, maybe I changed the default F12 key to printscreen? Because when I press printscreen it says in the corner: "ScreenShot: File 'ScreenShot235.bmp' created" and it gets saved to my skyrim folder. Just that most of them look like the examples I showed.. :ermm:

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Try taking a screenshot by pressing F12. When you do and next exit the game, or it crashes, a window will appear from Steam showing the new screenshots and you have a choice to upload them to Steam servers.

Tried F12 - didn't do anything. I have the steam overlay disabled for Skyrim though so I think that's why it doesn't work. Or, maybe I changed the default F12 key to printscreen? Because when I press printscreen it says in the corner: "ScreenShot: File 'ScreenShot235.bmp' created" and it gets saved to my skyrim folder. Just that most of them look like the examples I showed.. :ermm:


Why did you disable Steam's overlay? I don't think it impacts performance or anything. You'd need it enabled to take screenshots using the F12 key. I like using the F12 version of the screenshots because when I exit the game it shows a preview of all the screenshots, and allows me to upload them on to Steam.

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@SIMSIM: Could be gfx going out; could also be something interrupting the write to disc.

Thanks moto! You were right, my graphics card was the culprit :P Luckily though it wasn't dying, I just must have had faulty driver installation or something, as when I updated my driver, problem solved! :) It wasn't like I was using a particularly old driver before though, it was only from Feb 2015, and the new driver didn't list any bug fixes in the change log... meh, weird >_<

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