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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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I have large diffuse b-cell lymphoma, and you have to remember that these are just suggestions that I would like to make to them to see if they would consider adding any of them. It doesn't mean that anything will be added though.
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My wish is that they give credit to the modders that inspired certain functions in their new game. You KNOW they get ideas from us modders, you KNOW they implement them as if it was totally their own, and you know they do not give credit to the people who made the original content, making it possible for them to steal the ideas. All I wish they did was in the credits GIVE credit to the alias usernames of those whom inspired certain content. EVEN if they don't say -how- they inspired them, at the very least a list like "Fanbase Modder Contribution" or something and giving names is good enough. I honestly don't understand why they are afraid to do so. It's the player that they make the game for, that's who they get their money from. And it's the player that inspired many of those ideas that they use. Since they make the game for the player you would think that they would be more than willing to say "Hey, ya. We're smart, we don't take crap from our competition, we let the players tell us what they want through allowing modifications, and, depending on popularity and the realistic situations that allow them to be used in a new game as part of its vanilla, we use them. We give the player what they want, and we admit it. We give credit to those as well, because it is those players who help us get filthy rich with their ideas, and even though we do not give anything other than credit and thanks in return, we know that that's enough for the player."


Freakin hate that they steal ideas and pretend it was their own. I know very well that all mods made are considered their property, but the IDEA, the CONCEPT and ORIGINALITY is what we make our claim and stake. That is something they can NOT own. And while there is no legal way to "catch, prove or make them admit it", there is serious ethical and moral laws being broken. Now, I know that corporations are widely known for that kind of stuff, but on such a mass level in front of everyone's eyes seriously is just a giant middle finger saying "Ya, give me your money, then spend hundreds of hours on your own hard work that you will never get any compensation for and we legally own the copyrights to, and we'll steal those ideas and claim them our own with no credits or thanks given to a good part that makes us much more money by making you buy the very game you helped to develop without anything saying so. Hope you enjoy being treated the same with the new release, because we need new ideas for the next game!"


Be well, sleep well, fight well, SHOUT IF YOU AGREE! (Maturely.)


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I have large diffuse b-cell lymphoma, and you have to remember that these are just suggestions that I would like to make to them to see if they would consider adding any of them. It doesn't mean that anything will be added though.



As i said before i hope everything works out for you :thumbsup: Also I hope you get well as well. There is always a chance :thumbsup:

Edited by Thor.
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PS: Just read my last post and saw I forgot to say this:


I am very sorry for your condition, my friend. And I am both warmed and appalled at how generous you are being with your wish. And by appalled I mean appalled that I don't see such love for a community such as this more often. :) Even if you don't give two blanks about my particular suggestion, I thank you very much for the opportunity to b[censored]h about it in a place that there may be a possibility that it will change. Kudos my friend. You're an inspiration, by allowing something so petty yet wanted that most people wouldn't even think of sharing the opportunity in any way, and doing it still when it becomes much more than something petty, but a significant personal moment. It's as if all you wanted all your life was to taste a coke, and just as you pick up the last fresh bottle in existence, laced with various drugs such as Pysho and Buff-Out that are both too now extinct, you give a big gulp of that to a thirsty little boy you saw in the corner of your eye lusting for it. I wish I could kudos you a lot more than one time.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, kudos them as well if you agree.


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Thanks dude, the support is much appreciated. My wish consist more of just going to bethesda, but visiting my favorite studio is definitely the top of my list. I think I'll even sacrifice my dream computer if they won't give me both. :)


Its funny, this topic has only been open for 3 or so days and its the highlight of the skyrim forum. I'm sorry to steal the other idea topics thunder, but I just wanted to include the community in my wish so that this community gets some more recognition from bethesda. :D

Edited by stealtrecon
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I am unsure what you mean by you stealing a boards idea or something. I hope you didn't misconstrue what I meant. I was talking more or so from anger from New Vegas stealing one of my mod ideas. I was made aware of it from a few sources, although I have yet to play or look at New Vegas myself as my computer can't handle it more than likely, plus I don't have the space for it. Need to either get a big flash drive and install the game on that, or empty my old IPOD and see if THAT can work. 30 gigs, and it's much more space than I currently have left. Maybe three gigs in total are available between two hard drives. One is 70 gigs, another is 110 or so. They were advertised as 100 and 150 gigs..... I know it's not a precise science, but they shouldn't be allowed to market something off by such a large percent as something else... Ugh..


(Also I haven't slept in three days and have had a persistent migraine lasting the duration, so I'm cranky and grouchy.)


So I couldn't see HOW badly they did so, and how they improved upon my concept mod. It's sad.... I was actually planning to update it, and even was inspired by someone offering to help do a certain work with icons for me and decided to instead make a completely new mod that does essentially the same and soooo much more around the time I learned this. I was both mad and honored at the same time... Now I'm just disappointed and ashamed, lol.


Anyways, was not at all implying you stole ideas or digressed the topic or anything. And besides, when it comes to situations like this, I'm sure 99% of the nexus would be glad to give the finger to anyone who would actually report your post... Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if someone like that got striked or all the moderators made extra sure that they would know that they're not being punished but are now hated. Lol.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: I'd simply PM the person to grow up if I were a moderator... But the entire thing is just a hypothetical.

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Thanks for such a gracious offer to bring what the community would like while you meet with them given the situation.


I'll repeat what I wrote in the other thread:

1. Definately dual wielding, complete with two button action. (see Unnecessary Violence for good examples)

2. a better stealth game (thievery, assassins skills, sneak attacks, etc, etc).

-Tying in with this. Let's see some of the things I tried to accomplish in Stealth Wars: Some thieves and assassins hunting and sneaking up on you when you least expect it.

3. A good companion system. Friends are always nice to have around.

4. Flaming/glowing/particles for enchantments. I'd like to see flames for my fire enchantments, frosty mist on ice blades, etc.


Thanks again for such an offer stealrecon, but more importantly may God grant peace in all times.

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Ah okay. Hard to think straight for me right now, lol. Much love my friend.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Lol, don't worry about it at all. Your thread is extremely relevant to this forum topic.

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