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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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I believe they are readding spears, throwing weapons and I know for a fact that shields are able to be used as weapons.


and a new idea but as a option in the options menu. TRUE realistic first person veiw (similar to lets say mirriors edge). basically if you get knocked down while in fps view you will see your self on the ground or on your back or if you do a back flip or a spin slash you will see it in fps view (the image of the world through your eyes will spin just like in real life.) and you should be able to see your legs in FPS view.


and another idea for dual wielding each weapon in each hand will be set for each mouse button (basically left hand = left mouse button and right hand = right mouse button and holding both = block.) and they can each be set to held normal or reverse grip (with the blade facing down like you are going to stab downward or swing upwards with a button press.


basically this




Edited by rkelly
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Firstly, I wish you the best of luck with your treatments, and a swift recovery so you may fully enjoy your tour..

Secondly, thank you for sharing your time and wish with the rest of us (Even us lurkers are grateful :biggrin: )


-Dynamic hair and beards, Wouldn't it be epic to stand atop High Hrothgar (it being the tallest mountain in all of Tamriel, if I am not wrong that is), and watching your hair and beard sway in the wind, and it would really add to the immersion..


And thank you once more..

Edited by Teltab
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Thank you, Stealtrecon, for sharing your opportunity with the community. It may not seem like much to you but its a very self-less and noble way of turning your situation into something good. I hope only the best fortune for you.


My first and foremost request for Bethesda would be more realistic movements of both players/NPCs and vegetation/inanimate objects. Something like what they did with the Euphoria engine (see the video below if you are unfamiliar with the engine) . When you shoot or run someone down in GTA4, they react to the collision in a realistic manner whereas if you shoot someone in Oblivion, they may stagger a little but it feels more like punishment for being shot rather than consequence. As for inanimate objects/vegetation; I always enjoyed the dynamic vegetation in Crysis and Farcry 2. Some may argue that it may be unstable for such a large game but if Farcry 2- being the large open game that it is- can do it, then why not a game running on a newer engine? And let it not be limited to the plants; cloth and etc. as well.


Another request would be the animations. I think everyone would agree that the jump animation was... s***. Lucky they're were a few mods on Nexus that made quick work of that eyesore but I don't recall any remedy for the strafing. The combat animations didn't bother me too much but they could have been better and some variety of style in TES5 would be appreciated.


Being able to play with a couple of buddies would be amazing but I don't see this one happening.



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Get well! :)


I'd like to see joinable factions on opposing sides (like mages vs necromancers in oblivion, I sometimes wanted to join the "evil" guys for a change)

Decapitation while creatures/people are still alive. I disliked the crippling system in Fallout, because limbs would only detach and ragdoll once the entity was dead.

Basically they have to divide the mesh into chunks or procedurally generate these chunks, and move them from model space to world space leaving a decapitated mesh with the same animations.. It shouldn't be impossible at all!


Just curious, when are you going to visit? :)

All the best to you and your family. My landlord's daughter is fighting the same fight as you, and I can easily feel how taxing it is!

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All well wishes and a swift resolution to your condition. Your consideration to the forums is a selfless act, and I hope everyone here appreciates the gravity of that act.


I only would have one thing considered. People have been talking about holding weapons differently (i.e., backwards). I think "stances" could be integrated. Each stance could be switched between each other, leading to adaptive combat against a the strengths of the enemy. The best example is archers. A scout and an assasin will hold their bows differently, shoot and redraw their bows differently. An untrained archer will have no advantage over a seasoned hunter or longbowman. Thus, each stance would reflect a way of combat, benefiting the main flows of damage: draw speed, drop range and damage. Assassins would focus on heavy criticals in close range, while longbowmen would focus on heavy accurate damage at long range.

Each stance would require a certain level of that skill and a trainer.

The only problem I see is a constant switching of stances which would make for tedious combat.

I do not expect you to take the idea to heart, but I believe it will diversify the attack styles and reflect the training of individuals.


Good fortunes for your endeavours, and I hope you enjoy your day when it comes.

Edited by Master Marksman
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You're taking a gift, that has been given to you, and share it with the community.

This speaks volumes about the quality of man you are.


The thing that I would like to see is a first person view like the one in Mirrors Edge, as mentioned before. When you look down, you see your body as you would in real life.

When you run you see your arms moving.

Add to that the sound of breathing heavily when running and perhaps even fighting and you'll have some really nice immersion.


As for the "You probably won't see it, but it doesn't hurt to ask" request, how bout a couple of shapeshifting spells for traveling?

I get this from the World of Warcraft Druids (The only thing I like about WoW, honestly) but maybe a wolf or snow leopard spell for ground travel and a Raven or Hawk spell for flight. It could be a nice alternative for portals or fast travel.


I would really like to see an NPC either based on your design or you actually placed in the game somewhere.


I wish you success in your fight and with your upcoming visit!!

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